I am waaaaaay too awake for 4:30AM

Jun 02, 2008 04:29

Yep. I'm so awake right now that I am trying to put myself asleep with DVD commentary but it's not working because the writers are actually interesting to listen to and Robert and Jake have some cool shit to say and I am so wired that I can't understand it.

I slammed my index finger in the sliding glass door earlier (not as amusing as running through the screen door on the deck) and it's hard to type but I could so care less right now.

I drank some wine earlier in hopes to put me out, but the damn plan backfired. Alcohol makes me all talkative and jittery and don't ask me how that works, I KNOW alcohol is a depressant but here I am. Shit. Maybe it's the nicotine.

Another stupid idea for picking Zodiac to watch the commentary for is that EVERYONE IS SMOKING IN THE MOVIE.

Look! There! He lit another one up. Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches...

/real life

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