I went icon crazy last night. I mean, seriously.
There's more than what I uploaded here.
I miraculously found a copy of Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus yesterday and just... wow. I mean, WOW. It's so artistic and beautiful and well cast... I found myself pausing the DVD to stare at the set design (and RDJ's eyes), the sheer vibrancy of it all...
Seriously, Film Studies class has either ruined me or opened my eyes. Last year I probably wouldn't have even watched Fur because it falls under the "drama" section. I'm not that into "dramas." I'm a kid that was raised on John Wayne westerns, action movies, Star Wars, and Disney. Now I fervently dig through DVDs hoping to find films like Titus or just anything I've never seen before but looks remotely interesting. Not only that, but a few years ago I would never have gone to see a movie like Silent Hill in theaters. Much less on DVD.
Okay, so the class has opened my eyes.
What sucks is next class is a lecture, not a screening. I've got my fingers crossed that Mr. Pelles lets us bring in our own choices of what our last screening should be. So far we've run the gamut from classic comedy (Some Like it Hot) to drama (Apocalypse Now) to action (The Wild Bunch). I am seriously going to hate it when this quarter ends and I'm stuck in the land of graphic design projects again. It's so refreshing to be able to sit in a class and just discuss film imagery and basically show off (ooo, that is so rude of me!) how many movies I've seen and can rattle off specific scenes that wrap with what he wants us to evaluate each week.
I used to work at Suncoast (before they went belly up) and was the one person who could take a question about a movie or give other recommendations without looking it up on the database. Of course, they sacked me (via not putting me on the schedule and forcing me to go in and ask when I work next only to be told: "yeah, we can't keep you on anymore.") because I had to take off for a week during Christmas since my family decided to plan a trip to Texas without considering what it might do to my work. At least, that's why I think they let me go. Because I worked diligently on Black Friday, never complained, never screwed up on the register, and was always excited to work (even if that meant sorting the new shipments into genres in the back room or vacuuming at closing).
Unfair. But I'm over it. It was fun while it lasted.
I can't believe I got on that tangent from loading new icons...