Jan 02, 2008 23:48
I haven't updated this thing in 3 months, and I think I'm just about ready to shut it down for good. However, for those blessed few who still read Livejournals or use them to keep in touch, here's a quick status update on the state of me:
School: pulled a 3.5 this semester, with A's in Evolution and Cellular Biology. To quote Boondocks, "We'll see who buttfucks whom!" :)
Work: I gave my two weeks notice to Caroline at Amazonia. Almost a year and a half spent working there, but this Saturday I officially don a blue shirt and got to work for Deep Blue Aquariums, a new saltwater aquarium store on Burnet and 183 that specializes in the exotic. I'm a little concerned at how much of the livestock at the new store can kill me, but I'll be carrying an Epipen at work from now on, and I'll have an amazing new boss and manager who really know their stuff and are willing to teach me anything I want to learn (which is everything). One step closer to that dream job at a zoo or aquarium, plus, employee discounts!
Aquarium: moved the reef tank to a 45 breeder, which is three feet long by a foot and a half wide, with some financial backing from Harrison. My baby clowns and royal gramma are doing well.
Romance: Harrison Key, love of my life. Nothing more to report there, really :)
That's all.