(no subject)

Dec 21, 2006 22:50

Rocket the pinto NSH hadn't been out much for a couple of weeks because of all the quartet performances, so I took him to the covered arena (a 4.5 minutes walk) tonite and cut him loose. Having worn a blanket for a week because of the cold and rain, he rolled and rolled and rolled. Then just as he exploded into a bucking gallop, a deluge of rain crashed onto the tin roof of the arena. Thought we'd never be able to get back to the barn. Was looking at corners of the arena to decide which one to dig a snow shelter in, curl up and try to stay warm until the storm was over. Then the rain lightened and we ran like the wind. I was in T-shirt, am still cold.

Cold and rainy/sleety/haily; no actual snow yet.

Kids won't be home 'til Jan. 2, so Xmas will have to wait 'til then. I plan on finding an Xmas tree in the yard on Saturday. One called with a financial emergency because she had counted on her flake boyfriend to fill out her FAFSA application and he didn't do it, so she doesn't get financial grants, and she declines to go to small claims court to make her former housemate pay her share of the rent she stuck Keila with for December. Hard-hearted mother made her take the difference out of her savings - think I've bailed her out too many times; she has no idea of negative consequences, because I never let there be any. Think so. Not sure.

Quartet was fun this Xmas: we did a lot of performances.

I've got a couple of ugly cases, one a custody matter in which the most important people are unwilling to do declarations in support of an immediate custody change because they're afraid of being killed. Hey, wait, why do I want this case? Do I get combat pay? Also have an extremely complex financial one, tracing a separate inheritance through accounts after investment after more accounts.

God, now I think Ben the Keeshond cross has diabetes. He's started drinking what seems like way too much. His longtime colleague Elissa died of undiagnosed diabetes because the doc was treating her for something else and it just didn't cross my mind, nor the emergency vet's, that her sudden seizures had to do with something other than what she was already being treated for.

I have one cat on my belly and one on my knees - laptop in between. They are so warm and purry. Wish I weren't allergic to them.

I got a ceiling fan for 75% off @ Vinnie's. Thought to mount it on crossbeam in living room, realized it would behead tall people. I don't think the skylight is wide enough to permit space for the fan blades there anyway. Ben, left in the car too long, tore the packing up. Hope he didn't damage the fan too. I've wanted one for a long time, which is a sad thing for a short-ceilinged person.
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