Diarrhea, school counselors, podestrians, back left doors, junk in my trunk, hall monitors..ugh

Oct 30, 2006 15:36

Why does everything embarrassing happen to me? Basically everything anyway.
Who remembers the diarrhea story when I got out of that ticket for really having it?
Or what about the time I hit that girl with my car?
Or what about the time I collided with a school conselor in the left hand turn lane?
Or when my left back door flew open and all my homework flew into sixmile?
OR how about when I was getting my radio installed in Burt and the guy at Best Buy said he was going to have to go into my trunk to install speakers and I replied "Just be careful of all the junk in my trunk..." like an idiot?
OR HOW ABOUT when I almost rearended a car on seven mile because I was sick and dizzy- and ran Burt up a curb, then took that street the curb was on because I was too embarrassed to back up and keep going?

AND NOW! how about when I got sick during third hour debate class today then in the bathroom for a half hour and the hall monitor came in and practically held my hair back? Yeah that was like a half hour ago.
Hall monitor: "You can't just sit in the bathroom, either go to class or go home."
Me: "I'm not finished yet. I don't wanna' spew again in the hallway!"
Hall monitor: "OOOh, sorry, again? Well lemme' know when you come out....?"
I was going to stay at school becuase I have to finish the last paragraph of a paper and take a math test. But she was waiting for me in the hallway...and escorted me to the attendance office. So I'm at home. I feel like crap still, but hey when do I not feel like crap?
The worst part was having to go kick the custodial door after I was already in the parking lot to tell them I just spewed on the hood of somebody's car and that it should probably get cleaned up. Felt like huge ass loser.

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