WANKFEST 2021, or "How I Still Haven't Learned to Stop Wanking and Love the Fandom"

Apr 10, 2021 16:21

So, this is going to be a long one, sorry, folks. It's feast or famine with me. :D ( Read more... )

social media is a curse, spn, fandom wankery, bitter sam girl, yakkity-smack

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Comments 23

casey28 April 11 2021, 01:21:30 UTC
I'm bothered by all the DNI stuff, too. I stay away from their content anyway, because I'm not going to like or reblog from a blog that has "wincesties DNI". Not because they insist, but because I don't want to support them in any way. Even if they don't have a DNI, most of them are Jared haters, and I won't have anything to do with them.

I think it's pretty safe to say that the quadrant of fandom that wants to “reclaim” Sam never really owned him to begin with.

But let's be honest, Sam was never taken away from you; you never gave a shit about him to begin with. You just don't want them to have him.

Exactly. They don't really care about Sam, they just want him out of the way of their ship. That's why the Saileen wedding was a thing.


quickreaver April 11 2021, 03:59:28 UTC
I totally get you. It really depends upon the person I run into, honestly. I don't go looking for them, but if they wind up on my dash and my spidey-senses are tingling, I'll see who they are.

Generally though, yeah, I don't give them the hits. They don't deserve it. But if I think it'll irritate them to get a reblog from me, I might. If I'm feeling like biting my thumb at them? They can block me themselves, goddammit. :D


casey28 April 11 2021, 05:07:34 UTC
I totally get where you're coming from, too. Not wanting to give them the hits, but yeah, if it'll irritate them...

It's hard for me, because I was part of the Destiel fandom, and I deeply regret ever having had anything to do with them.


quickreaver April 11 2021, 17:46:05 UTC
I still have friends who are multi-shippers, so I try to remember them when I feel like embracing the wank. (I also have a Wincestiel WIP floating around that still tickles my id, so it's not like D/C doesn't have *any* merit; it just needs a nice helping of Sam to truly be the best it can be, lol!)


ratherastory April 11 2021, 02:37:07 UTC
Sometimes I wonder if I made a wrong decision when I removed myself 99% from this fandom, and then I read a post like this and think: "Nope, totally made the right decision."


quickreaver April 11 2021, 04:07:59 UTC
I swear, it's like fandom has all these alt universes, it really does.

I think I'm doing pretty good and I'm avoiding the kerfuffles? But then crap starts turning up in the Sam Winchester tags and I'm like, "Huh, what is this crap?" and BOOM. I'm caught at the edge of it.

The characters are still speaking to me, tho, and I still love the world SPN built. (Doesn't help that it's my only fandom, dagnabbit!) But damn, it sure does take extra effort to find the lane that doesn't lead into the Bog of Eternal Stench. Some days, I do better than others.

I will never doubt your decision, that's for sure. Even if I miss you hanging around it in! You were my gateway drug. ;) And for that, I'll be eternally grateful. <3


ratherastory April 11 2021, 05:10:25 UTC
I do miss being in fandom and having fun with my friends there, but between the show going in a direction I actively loathed and a new generation of fans coming in with attitudes that did NOT jive with me at all, I think it was the right decision.

I stopped writing, but if I can ever kick my brain into gear again, I still want to finish my 'verses. I still keep an eye out for all of your gorgeous art, though.


quickreaver April 11 2021, 17:47:28 UTC
You are so valid and I share all the <3<3<3


nomercles April 11 2021, 08:30:49 UTC

... )


quickreaver April 11 2021, 17:53:51 UTC


kazluvsbooks April 11 2021, 10:27:55 UTC

I have not even seen any reclaim Sam posts anywhere, maybe I have already blocked everyone 🤔😅
But yes, the DNI really peeves me off. I like to follow new talented spn Gen gif creators. Then see weird tags, go check the blog out and nope.
They are obviously doing early spn Gen gif sets but only for the destiel fandom. Good luck getting notes 😃😃😃


quickreaver April 11 2021, 17:52:04 UTC
Like, how effin' WEIRD is it to adore early seasons but fixate on Destiel? So much of it is performative, I know, but how about not being so antithetical to the beauty and generosity and foundations of fandom, huh, kids?


trendykitty April 11 2021, 18:24:49 UTC
You know.... I know we've never been the closet of friends...but dammit. I LOVE you. I've always admired you and I'm pretty sure I've never been shy about letting you know it. You were a Fandom veteran when I first found my way into this community and you were the first person to take a moment to teach me anything about Fandom ettiquette. You didn't have to, you didn't know me. But, unlike a lot if the BNF vets, you took a moment out of your day to message me and offer me guidance in a very gentle way, and I've never stopped being grateful for that kindness. And of course, I've always loved your art.

Everything about this post is reflective of what I've always admired about your philosophy.

Thanks for that.


quickreaver April 11 2021, 21:09:08 UTC
OMG, IT'S RAINING ON MY FACE. <3 This is the loveliest comment. I don't even remember last year, let alone that long ago? But srsly, in lieu of June's passing, it makes me value these relationships that began way back when ... way back when we were figuring it all out and it was just "Sam girls vs. Dean girls" and that was as angsty as it got.

I don't think of myself as a BNF in the very slightest. Unless it's just tenure because I've been around so damned long! Which makes you one, too. <3

I love that we're all still here, and I do love the fandom history we've built, and continue to build. Thank YOU for that. For all of us.


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