Time for my once-in-a-blue-moon LJ check-in!

Sep 16, 2020 15:19

Hey, flist. How we doin'? Anyone doing an October drawing list? (Inktober, Drawloween, etc.)

There's *a lot* bouncing around in my fandom brain right now. The show officially wrapped filming a few days ago. It was harder than I thought it would be. But also, kinda lovely, because I have an inkling that it'll end the way it began: with the boys together. That's as much as I'll quasi-pseudo-spoil (because I don't actually know, but let's just say, it's a strong feeling), and this makes me really relieved.

Jared and Jensen recently recorded individual episodes with Michael Rosenbaum on his "Inside of Me" vidcast, and if you'd looked at social media, you'd have thought a civil war had just kicked off. I was awfully disappointed by fandom's response. I shouldn't have been surprised, I guess. What with the show ending and all of us impacted by sociopolitical upheaval, financial hardship and a global pandemic, I was hoping that our better angels would prevail and we'd try to be thoughtful of each other, careful of our emotional bruises, but it was not to be. Social media: the curse that keeps on giving, lol.

What wasn't a disappointment, though, was that spn_summergen went off pretty much without a hitch this year! So much gratitude to my co-mods kalliel and dugindeep for their expertise and vigilance and generosity. No reason Summergen can't go on for as long as there's interest. Anyone who thinks gen fic can't be nuanced and chock full of feeeeelings, pop over there for some expectation-busting art and fics!

Thanks to all the folks who commented on my Summergen gift at the comm, made for the ever-delightful cassiopeia7! WINCHESTERS IN SPAAAAAAACE... (Which is tucked under the cut, for size. SFW!)

(click to enlarge)

go home fandom you're drunk, spn_summergen, masterart, the end is nigh

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