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Comments 27

jennytork November 25 2019, 03:30:29 UTC
For the first time since I discovered the series in 2010,I am relying on detailed retellings of the episodes to know what's going on. I finally found a storyline that I can not accept or understand,and does not feel like SPN.

Though honestly, the last episode that felt like SPN to me was "Who We Are" way back in season 12.

Yeah, it takes a lot to make me give up on a show. This last season has done it.

Fortunately, there are over a decade of good episodes to draw from for stories and enjoyment. That won't end.


quickreaver November 25 2019, 19:44:30 UTC


mdlaw November 25 2019, 03:33:58 UTC

I never thought of this before your post, but I have now decided tha Chuck is a "choose your own ending"  writer.  Just look at all the ending Billie showed Dean.  There must have been some sort of free will. Chuck was mad, then depressed, then vengeful; but I really don't think he's ready to give up his favorite show yet.  Ok, this sounds like I believe Chuck is really god and writing the show.  What I hope is that the show runners like to play with the viewers, but really care about the show enough not to destroy it.  I'm here to the end no matter what.   m


quickreaver November 25 2019, 19:55:12 UTC
Oh yeah, I'm here 'til the last hurrah too! And I *do* think TPTB don't want to end the show with the audience hating them. They showed Jared and Jensen the ending. Jared was okay with it (but not particularly ebullient); Jensen was unsettled and had to consult Kripke, who told him "You're too close, man. Try to look at this from the audience's POV." They're both currently saying stuff like "The characters will find peace." And "We're glad that the decisions the characters are making now won't be contradicted by the ending." WHATEVER THAT MEANS, lol!

So I have no actual good guess as to what's gonna transpire! But I do think they want us--at the very least--to feel the end is what the characters deserve. I have some sliver of hope!


borgmama1of5 November 25 2019, 21:37:07 UTC
In asserting that all of the past canon has been little more than Chuck's manipulations, it also means that the viewers' investment into the whole of the SPN universe has been hung on a lie within its own framework.

I am really struggling with how much of everything in the past was Chuck's manipulation vs free will. I fell in love with this show because of how the boys fought--and often won--against the odds. So was it all illusion? Because, like you said, that negates everything I cared about.

But I just can't quit it...

So I will keep hoping that we will get a) an explanation that shows the boys did indeed have free will at the crucial moments and b) an ending that gets rid of Chuck's hands for good.


quickreaver November 25 2019, 22:39:28 UTC
BIG AGREE. So big.


fanspired November 27 2019, 06:01:39 UTC
I'm not allowing the endless retcons by latter day writers to change my view of Kripke and his team's original authorial intention for the first 5 seasons. To whit:

a/ Chuck was not God; he was "The Narrator", an ironic authorial avatar and unconscious receiver of the Narrative.

b/ God (whom Kripke specifically named as John in the commentary to Swan Song) was always on Sam and Dean's side and it was always his hope and intention (his secret ineffable plan) that they would defeat the Narrative, thus restoring free will for all mankind.

c/ They succeeded. The End.

d/ Nothing written since Kripke's departure is truly canon.


junkerin November 27 2019, 10:24:14 UTC
I´m with you! They take the whole "Free Will" thing and turn it against us (and Sam&Dean).

I was never a Chuck is God fan and I refuse to believe it as long as I could and now I know why.

Usually I try not to whine about the epi but this is the last season they should makeing it count. If it continued like this we might be happy when it ends.


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