Ruminations on the state of fandom … for me.
These past couple days, I've been struck by how much fandom has changed, or perhaps how little I've grown to be able to ignore the really detrimental aspects of it. I'm just going to word vomit, so don't expect cohesion or any sort of entertainment factor, necessarily. I kinda feel like a little mental masturbation over this...
Shipping. I remember back in my halcyon days of fandom, when I first discovered that there was a brilliant collection of creators (and some not-so-brilliant but very dedicated) who shared my growing interest in a particular TV show. The official tie-in novels were bland, which led me to the discovery of fanfic/art. It was a joyful time, part taboo, part “I'm a grown-ass adult; should I be doing this?”, part absolute thrilling creative inspiration, the likes of which I hadn't felt in years (and I still struggle to recover, when not doing fandom-related things).
I had no idea what shipping was, and when I found out? I wanted nothing to do with it. Oh, how times (and I) have changed. Now you can hardly touch fandom without being confronted by some ship somewhere … without shipping being politicized by the Social Justice issue de jour … without being slapped with a label because of what you may like or have once created or who you hang with, on-line. I know it's probably always been this way, but am I off-base in thinking it's gotten more poisonous than it's ever been? Or maybe it's just that the internet has allowed for the unavoidable spread of information. Or maybe it's just that I can't resist the siren song of the wankfest anymore?
Whatever it is, I hate it. I hate what it's made me, and I hate how it's smothered so much of the joy that I once felt about Supernatural. I love behind-the-scenes peeks but I hate the judgment and assaults that come from the teasers and the social media presences of the stars. I never used to have to “curate” my timelines to exclude people or topics. Now, if I don't? It'd be hell in fandom. It's still frequently hell in fandom. You can't go anywhere w/o one malcontent or another blasting another faction for something you love.
I do try to present a generally positive face in public. (In private, it's been a different story...) And that doesn't mean we can't critique Supernatural - of course we can - but I'm going to make a concentrated effort to lighten up on the salt I spread, all 'round. And if I can magically tweak that salt into sugar? More's the better! I mean, sure, everything tastes better with a little salt, but too much can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, yadda.
Our current political climate has gotten so oppressive and miserable, I frankly need my fandom experiences to be something NOT THAT. If I'm going to “waste my time” creating fanworks (instead of 'original' art, for lack of a better descriptor), I'd better remember how to enjoy it. I absolutely adore all the friends I've made via fandom, and wouldn't give that up for the world, but fandom needs to fucking chill and get over its stupid self. AS DO I. ;)
(Please feel free to ruminate with me, if you're so moved! Or just leave pictures of J2...)