Road to hell paved with "Good Intentions"... (thoughts on SPN and episode 13.14)

Mar 05, 2018 16:22

I've had some time to chew on my response to this past episode, and I still haven't watched it again. Don't think I will, either. It's not that it was gaudy awful; it just, hmmm … okay, I'm just not invested in this ensemble cast that the show is pushing at us.

cassiopeia7 and caranfindel have both written wonderful, entertaining recaps/reviews of “Good Intentions”, ( Read more... )

oh show how you vex me, 13.14, mild rantery, you only hurt the one you love...

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Comments 46

amberdreams March 5 2018, 21:50:46 UTC

I want my heroes epic, fuck the icons.


quickreaver March 5 2018, 23:41:23 UTC
I saw your comment on caranfindel's review about how if you can substitute Sam for Cas, the scene would probably be better ... and frankly, that's true most of the time! (But then of course I would say that, lol!)

I'm so frickin' sick and tired of the aimless wanderings of the show. I don't think Dabb has a Big Picture clue what he's doing.


amberdreams March 6 2018, 08:45:48 UTC
Sad but true. I thought the same last season and he didn't prove me wrong. It almost makes me nostalgic for Carver (but not quite). I really, really hope this will be Dabb's last season and he'll migrate over to Wayward Sisters. If they could get Kripke back for Season 14 to write us through to a real ending for SPN (either on the 300th episode or the end of 23 episodes, I don't mind which) that would be absolutely fabulous.


quickreaver March 6 2018, 19:25:33 UTC
Oh, AMB, I might sell a child for that.


anonymous March 5 2018, 22:09:39 UTC
All of this. At this point I don't watch the show, I just watch the bits with Sam and Dean on YouTube. I'm happy for viewers who enjoy the new stuff but it's just 'meh' for me. I'm just dreading that the inevitable ending won't be worthy of Sam and Dean's history.


quickreaver March 5 2018, 23:41:49 UTC


caranfindel March 5 2018, 22:34:40 UTC
Yeah, so many good points here. Every once in a while The Husband says "I understand why you love that show" and I'm like NO, YOU DON'T. Unless you watched it from the beginning, you couldn't possibly understand. Right now, it's a show I'm nostalgic about. The earlier seasons are WHY I'm nostalgic. We get so thrilled about little dribs and drabs (Sam's talking about why he's unhappy! We have an interesting MotW!) of what we used to get in spades. I'm in it for the long haul, but... Yeah. {sigh}


quickreaver March 6 2018, 01:29:35 UTC
I stumbled on a podcast today, hosted by four SPN fans (all Destiel shippers) and one of them started watching the show TWO YEARS AGO, and due to tumblr, was chagrined that Cas wasn't in all the episodes. THIS is the fan the show is writing for, now. The fan that doesn't know why Sam and Dean are the leads. The one that believes the show demands a cast of a zillion to cover every base it can cover. The one that doesn't know why Cas and Dean can't be lovers and Sam can't go off and find himself a dog and a pretty wife because "won't that make him happy?"

God, I'm bitter ... sorry! (Life's been a little rocky and I want my damned show to make me happy!)

PS ... in a nutshell, I'm so tired of crumbs.


amberdreams March 6 2018, 08:48:54 UTC
I think you're right but WHY are they writing for those *expletive deleted* twats? They aren't the majority of the viewing population, surely, just the noisiest and whiniest. Maybe we should just shout more on Twitter too - make our voices heard.


quickreaver March 6 2018, 19:37:48 UTC
Maybe we should just shout more on Twitter too - make our voices heard.Because then we just get labeled as "bronlies" and it becomes nothing but fan vs. fan wankery ( ... )


kazluvsbooks March 6 2018, 01:59:50 UTC
YOU GET ME YOU REALLY GET ME!!!! ditto to all of this this ( ... )


quickreaver March 7 2018, 23:07:58 UTC
I completely understand needing to expand the universe to give J2 a break! (And I think Jared gets excited about stuff and is way more impulsive than Jensen, who tends to be more pragmatic.) I suspect you're also right in that Jared doesn't always watch the episodes, and sometimes doesn't realize when scenes are cut. And here's the thing with that: Jared thinks the viewer has the same understanding of canon as we do, but we CAN'T when we don't get the whole canon! And that's super frustrating ( ... )


harrigan March 6 2018, 02:17:17 UTC
If I ruled the world, I'd say commit now to ending the show after episode 300. Give us creative talents who can write an arc that would deliver what we (i.e. those of us agreeing with you here, LOL!) want, and a send-off that the show deserves, focusing on Sam and Dean.

Then send Wayward Sisters into an alternate universe where all our favorite killed-off female characters can come back. And figure out a way for Sam and Dean to guest star occasionally. (If they can't go to the AU, then let some of the AU characters come thru the rift to Sam-n-Dean world once in a blue moon.)


kazluvsbooks March 6 2018, 03:37:33 UTC
this sounds good to me!!


madebyme_x March 6 2018, 11:50:51 UTC
Yes to ALL OF THIS!!!!


quickreaver March 7 2018, 23:08:48 UTC
Not a bad idea!


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