Happy Holidays, Sleepy Percy!

Dec 25, 2017 12:44

Doodling up 'til the last hurrah! Because ME. But that being said, I had a tough time picking a prompt, because THEY WERE ALL GOOD, FOXY! But I settled on arting for this prompt, even though I didn't do the whole of it. I have ideas for an accompanying fic, eventually...

Title: Suicide Kings
Gifter: quickreaver
Pairing/Characters: J2
Word count/Medium: digital art
Rating: PG
Warnings: guns, reckless driving, their junk is probably touching, lol!
Summary: prompt -- J2 as hired-assassin team. They get off on sex in public places. First part: arted. Second part? In the works. ;) Happy holidays, my beautiful sleepypercy! I was so stoked to get you in the draw, and all your prompts were DELICIOUS! Sketcydean and I talked at length about all the options, and I may be filling several of them in the days to come. SO GOOOOD. Anywho, on with the show ...

(Idea/pose totally ganked from the cheesy movie "Knight and Day". I had fun styling the boys, though! I dunno why the idea of Jensen in all black, and Jared in a dapper suit, tickled my fancy this go'round. :D)

Link to gift

j2, guns and bikes and pretty boys, masterart, spn-j2-xmas

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