Jul 13, 2016 14:01

First off, THANK YOU, EVERYONE, for all the wonderful birthday prezzies...for all the delightful little LJ gifts and warm wishes! I couldn't possibly list them all, but know that they brightened my day IMMENSELY.

By way of mutual pimpage, here's one of them:

Milly_gal made me a banner for one of my favorite fics, ' O Brother, Where Art Thou?', so now's as good a time as any to woo folks to read it. ;)

I went to the Pittsburgh convention for my birthday, and I can honestly say the city is super charming and I had a fantastic time! I was seated pretty far back so my pics are meh and nothing exciting, but all the guests were in great spirits. I touched base with cherie_morte, dugindeep, electriclita and Lynn from Fangasm, all of whom were BEST PEEPS. Thank you, ladies, for making my weekend even better. :D

And that's about it for a wee update. Hope everyone is having a delightful summer!

fandom is amazing, fandom has claimed my soul

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