spnspringfling Has been killer this year, and it's not over yet! I've read (and seen) bunches of great fanworks, and then I forget which was which so my reccing becomes scattershot, but I'm gonna try anyway. I'm sure I'll be forgetting a few shining stars; hopefully, I'll catch up with them. I jump around in my reading order too, which doesn't help.
Anywho, today's batch! In no particular order:
Stipendium Picatti for
troll_la_laPairing: Sam, Charlie, Jody - gen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death. Some violence.
Tight, mysterious, ominous, FANTASTIC! It doesn't need many words to be powerful.
Black Irises and Sunshine for
tattooeddevilPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Any warnings: none
GORGEOUS. The world-building in this dirty-sweet coming-of-age tale is so rich, at once dream-like and sensually earthy. You can feel the summer heat, taste the cream soda ... I could read and read and read this kind of prose forever.
When all is said and done for
stripytightsPairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: G
Any warnings: none
*just licks the monitor, this painting is so buttery*
Letters from a Half-Finished Boy for
gojyochanPairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Any warnings: mentions of underage, AU-ish
I've seen this recced all over the place, but yeah, it totally deserves it. The author's voice is fascinating and whip-crack smart. The way they wrote Sam? As Dean trips through his little brother's diary? So friggin' hot, I can't even. And Dean? Oh, well, he agrees with me. Both boys are beautifully crafted.
Bonded in Ink for
ephermeralkPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG
Any warnings: toplessness?
I'm a sucker for pretty linework and body mods; this has both! And their expressions are adorable. :D
And that's it for now, but I'm sure as soon as I catch up with my reading, I'll have more. And hey, if anybody has a particular fave they've read and can rec to me, DO EET!