Help me brainstorm a fic, flist!

Jan 13, 2015 00:21

Okay, so I'm thinking of writing for the genteensybang, but what to write?! I'm feeling like ... rpf AU? Something kinda out there, maybe. Or a big spin on a tried and true trope. Gen fic or a romance with Jared is my go-to, but not set in stone. Not totally ruling out writing Ruby either, if something tempting pops up. Mostly, I'd like to keep it modest in ( Read more... )

genteensybang, my flist is awesome!

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Comments 31

emmatheslayer January 13 2015, 05:54:57 UTC
I had a prompt that popped in my head the other day where her and Felicia day are dorm mates and Gen had always loved her and never had the guts to tell her Felicia was dating someone but when she finds out that Felicia boyfriend cheats on her she only has Gen to talk to and Felicia and she is always there for her and they fall in love so like a collage au it would be a odd pairing but I liked it


spnreversemod January 13 2015, 16:25:53 UTC
Aw, cute! I've never written any kind of femslash before. Hmm!

(ooops! I'd better get my right account rolling...guess what I've been doing all morning? Heh...)


emmatheslayer January 13 2015, 16:33:05 UTC
Have you been writing thank you I have never been huge on femeslah and it really out of my norm to come up with one thank you


cassiopeia7 January 13 2015, 06:13:17 UTC
Gen is the tiny-but-lethal Secret Service agent heading the Presidential detail; Jared is the newly-sworn-in President who takes entirely too many chances as far as Gen is concerned. Sparks fly as President Padalecki (Secret Service codename "Moose") repeatedly -- if unintentionally -- breaks security protocol, and thank heaven Special Agent Cortese is already sworn to protect the guy, or she might be tempted to kill him herself.

eta: Of course, Jared is still too young to be President, but I'm sure an awesome writer such as yourself can get around THAT. ;D


ramblin_rosie January 13 2015, 06:21:00 UTC
But technically, he's not too young to be Speaker of the House... or, y'know, just set it in 2021 or something. (Gah, math...)


cassiopeia7 January 13 2015, 06:46:19 UTC
Future!fic, yes! Rosie, yer a genius! ;)

See, Cris? Y'all writer types think of things us single-minded crayon-pushers never do. Padalecki for President in 2020 -- 21 -- whatever. I'd vote for him!

*edited because math is most certainly NOT my strong point.
*OR spelling. Sheesh, I'm going to bed. :(


ramblin_rosie January 13 2015, 08:11:24 UTC
Campaign would be 2020, and he'd take office in '21. (Figured because he's ~2 years younger than me, and I will--EEP!--be old enough to run in '16. Not that I'm going to.)


fairyniamh January 13 2015, 06:59:40 UTC
I'll throw out a few Gen suggestions.

X's son/daughter gets dropped off (accidentally) at the wrong house.

Dinner with the Boss.

Teacher gets a headache and kid suggests x has a tumor. (Yes, I just suggested a scene from Kindergarten Cop. OH! KC AU!)

x loves to cook, s/he has no idea who Elly Mae (Clampet) is, but she must be a terrific chef since people keep comparing his/her cooking to hers. (Again with the crack)

Will stop now. XD


quickreaver January 13 2015, 16:28:56 UTC
Hee! Thanks for the notions! I shall ruminate on them...


indiachick January 13 2015, 08:43:05 UTC
My ideas are weird as fuck but I've always wanted noir detective Gen and secretary Jared or somebody like Danneel; just this vibey, urban city, shades of black and white and red thing. And she carries scotch in a silver flask, solves crimes involving pretty guys (because don't the pretty girls die in normal noir?) and just... be awesome?


quickreaver January 13 2015, 16:30:04 UTC
I LOVE NOIR. And I love your weird-as-fuck ideas, always. *puts this in the running*


madebyme_x January 13 2015, 11:01:36 UTC
What about a secret agent/spy sort of thing? Gen and Jared make an awesome team, but it turns out there's a mole, and it has to be one of them! Or does it?! Could someone simply be trying to break up the best and most successful partnership in the Agency's history?!

And of course you can't rule out Ruby!! What if you spin the characters around? Make Ruby the kickass human hunter (or even the Winchester?) with unexplained powers, and Sam the demon/boyking shaping his new toy and plaything?

I hope there's some food for thought here, :)


quickreaver January 13 2015, 16:42:56 UTC
OMG, that second one ... HMMMM!


madebyme_x January 13 2015, 17:39:50 UTC
*chants Boy!king Sam, Boy!king Sam, Boy!King Sam!*


madebyme_x January 13 2015, 17:41:44 UTC
But there's so many awesome plot bunnies here *points to the indiachicks noir prompt above*!!!


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