Jun 08, 2006 12:00
So my title to this entry is like nothing I am about to talk about...
Yesterday I went to Royal Oak W/ Ben to see Jessyka, or get my hair cut for like 8 bucks!
anyways, she goes to david presley's...
that is coool and alll..
David Presley is still alive!!!! he just turned 100.
still sharp as a tack and moves better then most 50 year olds...
50 year olds! that is 1/2 his age!!!!!!
that is amazing to me.
in 1924 he was 18, just like most of us.... not knowing what the fuck he wanted to do...
but it's okay, I mean look at how much time we have...
he lived through sooo much, he saw the titantic sink...
he was a teen in the 1920's!
goes to college in the 30's!
young adult in the 40's
adult in the 50's
think he is kinda old in the 60's....
Now usually most people tend to give up in their 5th decade of life...
thinking the best is over and it's all down hill from here...
well if we all think that we are wasting 1/2 our lives.
because we wait...
wait for it all to be over.
don't wait. because then you miss alll that 50 years of in between time.
just because your 60 Grandma dosn't mean it's over...
you still have 40 years!!! keep it strong.
Just because your 19... dosn't mean you have to know everything.
that's life.
that is why god gives us so much time.
to learn.
now learn, don't be stupid though.... if you don't like something, change it.