Jun 14, 2009 23:04
Its is funny how some things don't change. I am 22 years old. I live in Las Vegas and serve in the Air Force. I have not been in school for 2 1/2 years now (although, I am hoping to change that in the fall). And I am still the biggest procrastinator I know when it comes to doing homework. We have what are called Career Development Courses or CDCs in the air force. Everyone in the AF has or have had them in the course of their career. Basically, they are all the information that you will ever need to know for your career field. Mine are 4 relatively big volumes filled with everything one needs to know about the avionic systems for the A-10, the U-2, and the F-15. Quite a bit of information if truth be told. Right now, I should be studying them, as I am supposed to take a quiz on them tomorrow morning. However, I do not want to and am therefore writing an entry in this journal because it is only in these times when I have work that I should be doing, that I remember that this thing exists. I went back and looked at my old journal entries dating back to high school (I am stalling remember) and most of them were entries telling the reader that I should be working/studying for some class. So apparently, I have not changed much from high school, and I could not be more please with myself.
I brief update on how my life is currently playing out. I ran out of money going to college after my fist year. I worked at various jobs for the next 2 years trying to do school on the side when I realized that there had to be another way. Mind you, I did not say a BETTER way, just another way. I joined the Air Force in January of 2008 in a desperate attempt to find that other way. Don't get me wrong, the military has not been a bad way to go for me . In all seriousness, they have treated me very well and it has enabled me to further my aspirations in a number of ways. It is just funny how things turn out, because if you had told me out of high school that I would join the military I would have laughed in your face. Currently I am stationed in North Las Vegas and am close enough to the strip that I can see it from my dorm room window. That was very exciting at first but the effect is starting to wear off. Vegas can be one the more fun places a person can be but only if you have the money to make it so. I have had some pretty good times down on the strip but most of the time they leave me broke. And the real bitch is, there is not much to do outside the strip, at least not in north las vegas. I have been trying to find and bar around here that is some what fun, but I am starting to think it does not exist. Every bar on this side of town is completely dead every time I go in there. But what ever, I will just continue to be poor.
I actually just came back from leave last week. My sister Yvonne just had an adorable little girl, Olivia. So I spent one week there, introducing myself to my first neice and I spent one week in Michigan visiting with friends and family. I love going back home but it is depressing at he same time for two reasons. The first being, at some point the vacation is going to be over. Nothing beats me up more then having to leave the people that I hold most dear in my life. The second one is that I never feel like I get enough time to visit with everyone while I am home. Which is not only disappointing in that I didn't get a long visit with some one that wanted to, but is also disappointing in the fact that I feel like I am letting those people down by not making more time for them. I know that they say they understand that I have a lot of things to do and people to see, but I still feel like I am unintentionally slightly them.
With all that being said, I still had a great time on vacation. My niece has me wrapped around her super tiny fingers and I know that I am going to spoil that child for the rest of her life. My other sister Vanessa is due to have her baby some time early next year so is probably going to be my next extended visit back home. By the way Vanessa, if you are reading this I want you to have a boy, so he can be kissing cousins with Olivia. I know that sounds kind of weird but I think that it will freak both Nick and Andy out.
Anyways, even if I don't study tonite, I should probably get a decent night's rest.