Art Claims
Art Claims are now open and will remain open until [END OF ARTIST CLAIMS]. Fics are listed in order of author response to the most recent check-in.
Comment below with the number of the fic you would like to claim. Claims are all first come, first served. One artist claim per fic, and please only one claim per artist at this time. If any authors or artists are still lacking claims at the end of this round, we will open a second round of art claims in 1-2 weeks.
Fic listings will be greyed out as they are claimed.
[The following are two examples of art claims posts; the first is an unclaimed fic, the second is a claimed fic. Greying out your claimed fics keeps everything visually appealing. You can also choose a different font color besides #ccc grey that better matches your layout. Be sure to number the claims and to NOT include author names. Artists will claim by number. Repeat the text as many times as possible when listing fic. Make sure the title is OUTSIDE the block quote, but that the font color change is BEFORE the and that is OUTSIDE the block quote for claimed stories]
#1 Example Unclaimed Story Title
Rating: R
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Warnings: None
Word count: 11,000
Any preferences for type/content of artwork: Fanmix would be perfect for this.
Summary: In this amazing summary, the author writes a compelling summary that adequately summarizes their story.
#2 Example Claimed Story Title
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Apocalyptic AU
Warnings: Wild zombie violence, minor character death
Word Count: 75,245
Any preferences for type/content of artwork: I would rather not have manipulations of the character actors. Otherwise, no preference.
Summary:In a dark and grim world, this author summarizes the terrible things she is doing to her characters in such a way that every artist will fight each other for the right to claim this fic. No stone is left unturned!