So, I'm teaching my first CMPT 111 tutorial tomorrow. And although I feel semi-calm, there's definitely a part of me that is FREAKING OUT. Especially since I'm really not prepared right now. I thought that there'd be a lot more guidance from the profs as to what we're supposed to go over... but it's pretty much left up to us. OMGAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Also, I really want Beatles Rockband.
Also, I just watched the season premiere of Supernatural.
OMG, they wrote a fangirl into the plot. Writing fanfiction. Wincest, to be specific. GAH. I had to pause it and leave the room, I was so horrified. Plus, she was a creepy stereotypical fangirl, which was sad.
(The backstory to this was that there was this author who wrote a very popular book series that basically was identical to the life of Sam and Dean. The author didn't know it at the time, but he was actually a prophet and was having visions of the future. Thus, the fangirl was writing fic for the Supernatural book series)
Also, I can't get the soundtrack to A Very Potter Musical to download.
Also, I was thisclose to writing "I am Sylar" on my arm last night, after much alcohol consumption.
And now I'm going to go prepare for my tutorial tomorrow. And then have a meltdown.
Also, the mood selection on LJ never seems to accurately reflect my true mood. I really was hoping there'd be a "terrified" among the choices, but I had to settle for "distressed".