Badge was approved by Okami <3
[The feed cuts on mid-battle and wavers up and down as Hindenburg the Driftloon acts as camera man since he is level 9 and therefore sucks. The Violet City Gym is buzzing with battle!
Two feathery bodies screech and flog one another high above the gym floor, their talons locked together. Falkner’s Honchcrow and Jack’s Hoothoot have been ensnared for several minutes.
Suddenly, a high, undulating “HooOoOooOoOo!” rings through the building. The large black bird’s eyes begin to glow, then cross. It stops flapping and plummets like a stone with the tiny owl spiraling after it.]
It’s confused, Doc! Peck it’s eyes out!
[A sharp command from off camera announces Jack’s presence-but his tone is not the friendly, slightly distracted babble we’re used to. He sounds angry.]
Hey, pal, not so rough! This is a friendly match!
[The blue-haired gym leader, who is in view along with one battered bird (Edgar had already taken out the Noctowl) at his heels, grinds his teeth as the Hoothoot delivers sharp Peck attack after Peck attack to his father’s prized pokemon.]
I am being friendly, sir!
That’s not what it looks like from here!
[Hindenburg turns so that the camera can finally see Jack. He’s wearing his winter clothing Phoenix got for him, but still looks a little red-nosed. He coughs into his elbow.
I’m sorry, sir! DOC! TAKE DOWN!
[Doc rises into the air only to come hurtling down a second time, ramming into his opponent. The Honchcrow snaps out of its confusion long enough to totter to its feet and knock Doc away with one of its huge wings.]
We can still fly! Honchcrow, use-awh no!
[The big black bird wobbles and falls forwards, fainted.]
Great work, Doc!
[Jack holds his arm out and motions for the owl to return.]
Doc, come back! It’s Edgar’s turn again!
[Doc circles above him and refuses. The ex-skeleton bites his lip and stands on tip-toe, hoping that might coax his pokemon back down. Instead, the Hoothoot sends a few sharp screeches Falkner’s way, daring him to send out another pokemon.]
Is that right?
Ha ha! I think your Hoothoot wants that badge more than you do, Mr. Skellington!
Uh-well! We’ll see about that!
Pidgeot, come out!
[Falkner hurls his last poke’ball into the air and out pops A BIRD THE SIZE OF GOD. Doc’s clock-hand shaped brows point straight up. He shakes off his surprise and puffs out his chest as he circles, waiting for commands.
Jack eyes the enormous bird-type and swallows. He hoped Doc knew what he was doing. His Angry!Trainer façade returns.]
Doc! Destroy it!
[The Hoothoot begins its Hypnosis song but the larger bird ignores it like a bad infomercial, flying circles around the little owl.]
Pidgeot, use Wing Attack!
[SNAP-KRAK! With a single mighty wing clap, the little brown owl goes flying across the gym and plops down at Jack’s feet. His eyes swivel around until they find his trainer’s face. Jack is frowning down at him, disappoint.]
Doc, you can’t keep doing this…You’re not indestructible. Return.
[With a defeated, “Hooo.” Doc disappears in a beam of red light. Jack calls out Edgar and heaves a sigh, glad to finally be free of the harsh military persona he has to put up for Doc. The Murkrow’s feathers are ruffled but she’s still as ready to battle as ever. She squawks a greeting and takes to the air. Jack breaks into his familiar grin and sets his jaw.]
This is the last one! Go get ‘em, girl!
[Thanks to all the
crazy slingshot training, Edgar is a fast little featherball. She darts around the gym far more quickly than the larger bird. The Pidgeot’s Wing Attacks miss her by miles.
She returns a Wing Attack of her own, catching the Pidgeot by surprise. She and Jack continue this tactic working together far better than he and Doc had for several rounds. Then, something awful happens.]
Pidgeot, use Roost!
[The big golden bird begins to glow and feathers materialize and start swirling around it. When the shine fads, their opponent looks fresh as a daisy. “’Dgeooooot!” B/ CAW CAW, MOTHERFUCKER.
The Murkrow and her trainer both swapped fantastic faces.
Awh hell naw.
Jack pushes his glasses back into place and Edgar tips her feather-hat down over her eyes. SRS BUSINESS TIEMS.
Edgar! We can’t let him get away with that!
[The crow pokemon banks to the side, tucks her wings in, and spins at the Pidgeot to deliver a harsh Peck to the face. Pidgeot returns a Quick Attack, zooming around like an infernal fighter jet and swooping up behind her, sending her tumbling. Edgar stabilizes herself and swoops back up and pauses mid-air to shake a talon at Pidgeot in a Taunt that’s best left un-translated.]
Edgar! That’s not ladylike!
[Fueled by Edgar’s Taunt, the Pidgeot ignores its master and swoops in with another Quick Attack, sending Edgar flying into the wall. Feathers fall.]
[The little Murkrow pushes herself to her feet and pants. She’s really worn out from the fight against Falkner’s Noctowl and God-bird isn’t helping. Slowly, she raises her little head and tests both wings. They’re ratty but not broken!]
One more time!
[She cries out and takes off again, spinning a Peck hard into the diving Pidgeot’s chest. As the larger bird is knocked back, Edgar gives it a hearty slap of Assurance on the back with a tattered wing, sending it spiraling down to the floor.]
Pidgeot! Pidgeot, get up! Roost!
[Edgar Pursues the Pidgeot as it falls, delivering a hard blow as they both connect with the ground.]
[From the pile of feathers and dust, a black-hatted head pokes up, followed by a body that wobbles away from the battle, leaving the broken, swirly-eyed Pidgeot behind. She drags one wing as she totters over to her trainer where she turns around at his feet and faces Falkner. Edgar sniffs once.]
[That’s best left un-translated too.
I don’t believe it! My father’s pokemon!
I don’t believe it either…
[Jack gently picks Edgar up and almost doesn’t notice the defeated gym leader approach him and hold out a small silvery pin. Jack takes it without a word and turns to carry his Murkrow out of the building and back into the snow.
Hindenburg floats after him with the ‘Gear. It runs long enough to catch a shaken Jack murmuring to himself.]
That was awful…so awful…I’m sorry, Edgar.
[He is met with a smug-sounding, “Krowh!”]
You aren’t angry with me?
Again? Not for a long time, bird!
// ACTION TAKING PLACE AFTER THE BATTLE. Feel free to message or walk up to him!//
[Jack sits on one of the many benches in the Violety City Pokemon Center. Hindenburge drifts around his head babbling (or “Floon! Floon!”-ing) about the battle excitedly. In the seat next to him is the egg he was given nestled down in Jack’s coat.
He holds his chin in his hands and stares thoughtfully at the tile between his feet while his birds are in back getting fixed up. You’d think a winner would look happier! ]