Jul 23, 2010 06:41
[The feed cuts in on a much clearner, much happier, and well rested looking Jack. He is leaning back on one of the Center benches and holding the Poke'Gear high above him, grinning ear to ear. The bandage that was over his nose was gone.]
We made it! We're in Cherrygrove and we're still alive! Aren't we, Edgar?
[The Pokegear flips around to show the Murkrow, fast asleep on Jack's knees, with her head under her wing.]
That means yes. We owe it all to Snake who...should be around here somewhere! After we learn our way around, we are going to start training. It looks like I've been going about this Pokemon thing all wrong. I don't think my spine can do with another stranglehold.
We'll be around!
we made it!,
pokemon center,