The Quibbler Report: May 1-14, 2017

May 14, 2017 21:54

Crumple-Horned Snorkacks (Fic):
• Editor's Pick! Anonymous at hp-darkarts wrote Redemption Retreat. Redemption Retreat: A Last-chance Rehabilitation Centre for Criminal Minds was the alternative to a life-sentence in Azkaban after the Second War. It promised a final chance at peace and forgiveness through daily treatments and constructive activities. That's what the leaflets in the library said when Willow tried to read them, before the words started swimming on the page and the fog closed in and he forgot why he wanted to read them in the first place. (Rabastan Lestrange, Neville Longbottom, R: dark themes, see warnings on fic)
• Anonymous at hp-darkarts wrote The Lost Children. Every student knows that Hogwarts has a mind of its own. They probably wouldn’t sleep at night if they knew what the castle really wants. (McGonagall, Dumbledore, others, PG-13)
• Anonymous at hp-darkarts wrote Lessons in Silence. When he’d entered the ballroom, he could hardly walk through the door, the air was so thick with wards and silencing charms. That should’ve been the first clue. (Draco, Bellatrix, Narcissa, R: dark themes, see warnings on fic)
• Anonymous at hp-shoreofangst wrote The Comfort of Monsters. Snape comes to gloat at Lupin’s departure from Hogwarts. (pre-Snape/Lupin, PG)

gracerene wrote My Heart Against Your Chest. Harry and Ron get trapped in a closet. (Harry/Ron, NC-17)

Blibbering Humdingers (Art):
mywitch drew Lucius/Harry (NWS)
akatnamedeaster drew An Ordinary Life (Snape/Black, G)
• Anonymous at hp-darkfest drew Mine (Snape, Lupin, R: gore, major character death)
• FateNikki drew Hermione Granger (G)
• BoomBoxWizard14 drew Golden Trio (Trio, G)
• FrozenDreamer drew Professor Trelawney (G)
• Lasthielli drew Tonks (G)
• nougatetmephisto drew Severus Snape (G)
• InsaneNudi drew Old People From Hogwarts (McGonagall, Dumbledore, Hagrid, G)

Thestrals (Challenges, Communities, and Discussion):
hp-unfaithful posted its April round-up and May theme.
hp-creatures posted its April round-up and May prompts.
hp-coffeehouse posted its May theme.
poetic-hp posted its May prompt.

hp_bunintheoven posted its May prompts.

theiceroyals posted its May prompt.
severus-snape has a new mod.
lupin-snape announced that its LJ comm is closing and all new activity will take place on Dreamwidth:
rarepair-shorts posted its Clue(do) Ficathon Masterlist and announced its upcoming Wishlist Event 2017.
hp-shoreofangst posted its Week 1 Round-up.
hp-podfic-fest posted its Round 7 timeline and opened Author sign-ups.
hp-crossgenfest announced that claiming is now open.
hprarefest announced that the submission deadline has been extended.

snapish_smut has moved to DW.
hp-3somes posted its 2017 Gift Exchange Weekly Round-up #1.
hogwarts365 posted last week's masterlist and this week's prompts.
hermione-smut announced that prompting is now open.
hphet announced that claiming is now open.

xochiquetzl posting in
lupin_snape discusses JK Rowling's apology for killing Snape.
• Today's featured community is wand-in-a-knot, which will be back in June for its 24-hour Porn Tag Challenge!

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