The Quibbler Report -- 16-23 April 2017

Apr 23, 2017 15:07

Crumple-Horned Snorkacks (Fic):
alisanne wrote Good Hunting. no summary. (Severus, ghost of Merope Gaunt; PG)
bixgirl1 wrote What the Lady Likes. No one knows that she was almost Sorted into Slytherin. (She’d reasoned her way out of it, of course.). (Luna/Draco, Luna/Hermione; NC-17; dark!Luna)

Blibbering Humdingers (Art):
• Lunwend drew Abarian Luna (Luna, thestral; G)
• Lepitot drew Voldemort and the Unicorn Frappuccino (Voldy; G)
• Sangheili13 painted Harry Potter Easter Eggs (various; G)
• Henniart drew Deamus -- War (Seamus/Dean; mildly NWS)
• Clef-en-or drew Kingsley Shacklebolt at the End of the War (Kingsley, various; G) and The Lestrange Brothers (G)
akatnamedeaster drew Vroom (Severus/Sirius; G)
• Check out this gorgeous hand-made Harry Potter quilt.

Thestrals (Challenges, Communities, and Discussion):
hp_drizzle posted the prompt list and announces that claiming is now open. Banners can be found here.
hp_3somes posted a reminder that submissions are due 25 April.
nextgen_mas announced that the fest and comm have moved to Dreamwidth.
hp_humpdrabbles posted new prompts.
hpvamp announced that the comm is up and running on Dreamwidth.
hogwarts365 posted Prompts 187 and 188 masterlist and added Prompt 189 [due 29 April].
hp_may_madness announced the 2017 fest. The comm is also now set up at Dreamwidth.
daily_snitch is running a poll on fan platforms.
hprarefest posted the submissions header and notes that submissions are due 15 May.
hphet announces a two-week mini-fest beginning 30 April.
darkwitches is running a poll on the "community dilemma" regarding participation.

• Today's featured community is
daily_deviant, where the 11th Birthday Celebration continues until the end of the month. Play KINKO [kink bingo] here.

quibbler_report has created a mirror journal at DW:
quibbler-report. Feel free to add us! We'll be cross-posting at both sites, at least for now.

If you have a link for us, feel free to e-mail us at or leave a comment to this post.
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