Mar 14, 2004 00:07
wELL, nOW. this most certainly is a strange sight.
wELL, nOW. not strange exactly but quite peculiar. would have THOUGHT i wouLd of leaRned My lesson the first time around. ThE tWo journals are going on OPPosite sides of the room now! iT should be A cRimE for Them to bE so SImiliAr. No more conFuSiNg the two so that i WRiTE in the wrong one. WaS WoNdErInG wHy EvErYtHiNg WaS sO qUiEt AlL aRoUnD, though that could have been something to do with the UrGoLs, now couldn't it? Am LeArNiNg MuCh AbOuT tHeM.
Let's see here. . . Ah, no. Hrm. Yes! nO.
OK, here's THE deal. I'LL quote THE important STUFF here SO that EVERYONE can BE well INFORMED. father ALWAYS said AN uninformed MAN was SAD indeed. I suppose THAT applies TO the LADIES as WELL, yeh? here IT goes!
"It was a STrange set of eVenTs that sEt me on this paTh toward trUth and jUstice with CAPITal Us. I reMeMber it like Tall-Tailed Tillesses rEmEmbEr. it wAs a night of mysteriOUS tentAcLES in DArk closEts. A NighT that will liVe on into the dArKneSS. WhEn I cAmE faCE to FAce with the Gurantan SHrimP itself."
"Albus DUMBLEdore: Merlin in Disguise? See for YOURSELF!" (AsK for moRe inforMaTion and i Will proVide! maybe.)
"...and my notes are now SAFE. YES, SAFE! it SEEMS my capture of the cUlprit and followed conVerSations and neoTiaTions have conViNced the pOor FEllow to set himSelf right again. WhO knew thAt it was JuSt a simple..."
There's more, oh ho!, is there MoRe! Not enOuGH time Nor paPer noR ink for it all! YoU might see it in fUtuRE editionS of my pAper! OrDEr your coPy in aDVance today!