Aug 05, 2006 22:03
Age: 16 (WAS 15, aged in camp)
Height: Noooo idea. Probably around 5'3
Medical Info: none
Eyes: Grey.
Hair: Long and blonde.
Physical traits: Luna's always wearing her bottle cap necklace or her earrings. She gives off an "aura of distinct dottiness."
What's Okay To Mention: Anything goes.
Abilities: Luna's a witch, and is able to use some decent defensive/offensive spells. She can paralyze you for a brief time, summon objects, unlock doors, etc. She cannot use any of the forbidden curses and super advanced magic.
Notes for the Psychics: So Luna's kinda weird. She's not insane (far from it) but she's usually thinking about several really random things at once, from government plots to take over the world to what she ate for lunch. Her head's an open book. Also, there is little-to-no emo in there.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Go ahead. Be aware that she'll probably hit you with a spell if you threaten her too much.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: No permission required. Go nuts.
Maim/Murder/Death: Luna uses the moogles, but I'd really prefer she stay alive unless you have a most excellent plot that requires Luna to die.
Cooking: She's decent at it, but won't cook if she can help it.