Dear Faculty,
And once again it is the 7th of the month, the date that, month in and month out reminds us of that black Sabbath when our lives changed. Another month of war, another month in which the hostages are held by the murderers in Gaza, another month during which many are still refugees in their country and cannot return to their homes, another month in which many of our students, workers and faculty members are in the reserves, and another month of teaching and research in conditions of uncertainty.
The week's torah reading begins with the verse "And Moses gathered the whole assembly of the children of Israel…", a gathering intended to harness everyone to the task of constructing the tabernacle, a gathering of the entire people, men, women and children. Every one of us is a partner in building our academic community - that is the university - and in its success. The great majority of us are doing whatever is necessary to help the students serving in the military to make up what they have missed and respond to their individual needs because they perceive the magnitude of the hour and understand the circumstances, and for that I am deeply grateful.
We are nearing the end of the first semester and an intense exam period is upon us. This is once again an opportunity to thank you for your commitment and willingness to go way and beyond the normal guidelines to help ensure the success of our students. During the exam period, do not lower the academic requirements, but please do lean more towards Beit Hillel (moderation) in giving grades and when allowing alternative evaluations.
With best wishes for quieter and calmer days, for the speedy return home of the abductees, among them Noa Argamani, and for the safe and sound return of our soldiers, including faculty members and students, to their homes and to the classroom.
Be strong,