[The first page - written on the back of the journal cover]
I've never been much for writing my own thoughts down, but I must assume that if I can be killed once, I can be killed again.
The primary purpose of this book is to pass on my knowledge, my wisdom, to those I trust to use it well, in the event I become one with the Force. This will be a way to pass on myself - outside of this mysterious Landels, second chances aren't often given. I am the exception, not the rule.
These writings, secondly, are for one Obi-Wan Kenobi. These concern both Jedi Order matters and...personal matters.
The personal matters I will have to address later. I must admit that my brush with death has altered my perceptions about the formation of attachments; the question remains if I will one day have the courage to express what is already so difficult to say in written words.
[The Alternatives of the Force - Written on a new page]
A few days ago after my death on Naboo, I woke up in a place called "Landels": I am unable to determine if this is the name of the facility or the planet. Here it seems that our past abilities to reach the Force is hindered, which begs the question:
What are alternative understandings of the Force? For thousands of years, generations of Jedi have been taught that there is a clear division between Sith and Jedi, the Dark Side and the Light. To be a true Jedi is to truly understand that passion overrules reason, that there can be no love without the danger of emotion.
Yet, aside from the encounter with the Sith warrior on Naboo, we have very little real accounts of their practices or any real recent experience with these "others". The Jedi Order as it now is teaches only an understanding of one aspect of the Force, placing emphasis on the light side and Unifying Force. But that is denying the other sides. That is denying true understanding and without true understanding we are willfully blinding ourselves to focus only on what we are comfortable with seeing, not with what is.
Perhaps this may be an explanation for the difficulty Obi-Wan and I are experiencing now at Landels regarding our connection with the Force. The way of the Jedi is not the only way, nor do I believe that the way of the Sith is the only complement to the Order. The Force is everywhere and it would be ignorant to assume that these two views are the only ways to access the Living and Unifying Force.
There are other methods to regain our connection to the Force, I'm sure of it.
[Signed and Dated]
Qui-Gon Jinn
(Slipped inside are the maps Artemis Fowl drew for Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon)
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a159/Luffykins/scraps/landels/1stFloor.jpg First floor
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a159/Luffykins/scraps/landels/2ndFloor.jpg Second floor