Quotes from Australia-Fiji-San Diego trip

Jul 19, 2006 22:25

A collection of random humorous quotes (they were funny at the time - context probably had a lot to do with it) from the trip with Sean to Australia, Fiji, and San Diego. There were more, but these are the ones we remembered to write down.

Sean: They don't call it "magic coral" for nothing.

Colin: There are two kinds of divers: those who have pee-ed in their wetsuits, and those who lie about it.

Hiram: Back in the good ol'man-eating days....

Hiram: They were beaten, (pause) and then they were eaten....

Thor: (re: pediatrician who had stayed at Tony Robbins' very expensive luxury resort in Fiji) I have the confidence to charge you an exhorbitant fee....

Sean: ...in a dorm with 40 other guys, and even combined it doesn't come close!!
John: I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I think it's negative.

Sean: Did you just pass gas, or is that your food?

Female staff member at Koro Sun to her son (rough translation): Say "Bula" to the white guys.

John: I didn't really eavesdrop...not like I used to when I worked.

Sean: So, you get some male watermelons and some female watermelons and then turn on the Barry White....

Rogue: So just how "off" are you guys?