Jan 02, 2003 23:15
I’m Sitting here downloading some music: totally mindless after work:
Tomorrow one of my best best BEST friends ever comes home for a visit, I am so excited. I feel like we haven’t seen each other in a year although it has only been like 3 and ½ months. We haven’t even talked in like 5 days which sucks but I’ll deal. I hope I can sleep ok tonight though; this is kind of like Christmas. This past year I wanted to skip Christmas and go straight to Jan 3rd. It sounds dramatic but we have been friend for like 5 years now. That’s the longest friendship I have ever in my life had. We didn’t talk for like 3 or 4 months once because I was having a fight with another friend but one day Rachel call me up at my grandma’s house and was like do you wanna come to my birthday party sleepover? I was grounded that weekend but I begged and begged to be able to go, I told my mom if see let me go I would tag off that Saturday night and add a week more to my grounding. She said I finally could go even though I had to be grounded till the following Friday. I don’t really remember if I had all that great of a time but since that party we have been inseparable till about 4 months ago. But now she’s coming home and I am so ready to see her again. I will so very busy this next week. It’s awesome!
So Erin and her new boyfriend Bo (e?) came in tonight. It was a pleasant surprise to see them. Then later on Dana Justin and one of Justin’s friends came in like 20 minutes after Erin and Bo. Was completely and utterly TIGHT! Ha Ha tight… whew…
Any who, it was great to have people come and see me. Makes me feel loved!
But yeah my friend Jason keeps telling me he’s going to come over and was going to chill but yeah he never calls me. Its really getting annoying, and boring. Not really going to try and plan anything with him till he shows that he’s not a flaky as I think he is.
My brother supposed to move in between now and Sunday, prolly not going to happen since he doesn’t seem to be organized enough to get it together until 3 in the afternoon when he gets up. It’s going to be weird with him living back here again. Not bad but weird.
Since my moms gone all artsy craftsy on me in the past week, I rarely see her. She has an “Art” table upstairs now. This is just one of her “I’m expressing myself in a artful way” phase. Not to say doing art is bad thing but it’s not good when it’s my mother. She only does it when she is severely depressed or lonely. Sounds very bitchy daughter of me to say that but I don’t care what people think about how I am towards my mother anymore. Generally I have been told that (once people meet my mom) she’s cool and why do I complain so much about her. But living with her a whole different book
Gah I want someone to get online so I can talk to them. I probably should go to bed since I have to get up at 7:30 in the morning to go to Dana’s house.
SWEET one of my songs finally downloaded! Sweet!
Love Su Cook