Holy Stephen Batman!

Jul 10, 2005 20:11

I slept a lot today. I was going to wake up at a reasonable hour but every time I woke up it was raining and dark so I just decided to go back to bed. Stephen came over to play around 2 so I finally had to get my ass out of bed. We went to McDonalds and ate. Then we went to the Chinese Dollar Store but they were closing in 5 minutes. Then we went to Goodwill and they were closing in 15 minutes. Then we went to Thrit City and they were closing in 40 minutes so at least we had time to looks around. I didn't find anything clothes wise because I still feel really fat which makes me hate everything. I was going to buy a couch for $20 but then I realized that I have no where to put it. I ended up buying three books and a game. One books is a calculus answer book with fun problems, a book about the sociology behind the family structure, and a book about economics that had the previous owners work still in it! The game is called Telling Lies. Stephen and I attempted to play but we know each other too well so we knew when the other was lying/truthing.

Waiting at the light to go to McDonalds

Cancer in a convient stick form - the glue to my eye lashes wasn't try yet

We had to finish our cigs outside (duh?)

Proof that I am an American

We ate outside in the rain

I was drinking Fruitopia I didn't even know it was still in existence

Now I am bored again. Because I slept so damn late I can't take a nap. Maybe I will go read. Or maybe there is a good/bad movie on television. It's hot here in H-Town with the whole lack of air thing. Ugh! This is the first time in my life I have wanted a television in my room and that's only because my room is a hell of a lot cooler than the living room.
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