Oct 31, 2007 18:27
"...Transylvanian Concubine..."
Okay, so the English Exam is on Friday. Today is Wednesday. Should be interesting, should it not? As much as I would love to pat my own shoulder and gladly say "Thank god it's all over", I am dissapointed. I really, really loved English and Literature classes. I mean, they rocked.
And now there is nothing.
Interesting. I really want to take part in NaNoWriMo for the next month, but all of my exams are in November, as said by the English one beginning on Friday, so unfortunately it wouldn't work out. Damn.
I wish I could have gone Trick O' Treating. Damn.
Anyone else been watching Cold Case? "Thick as Thieves" airs tonight, 5x05 I think it is, and *iz ded*.
If you know what I'm talking about, do you join me in OMG!'ing in relation to what happened to Lilly? *ded*
I am in some serious Sherbet Lemon withdrawal. I need to make a trip up to Altona and buy some, every since the Chocolate Emperor shut down. The people that shut it down should be shot. Seriously, where am I going to get my Scooby Snacks now??
P.S: Lilly is really, really, really fantastic looking. Zomg. I'm reading a delightful little fic about her and Olivia as a pairing. Can I hear a "YES!"
P.P.S: Bionic Woman - Ruth/Jamie. NEW PAIRING! Screw Sarah Corvus. Well, actually, yes please, but beside that, she so doesn't belong with Jamie. Totally not.