великий Горький: убит фашистко-троцкистскими докторами

Nov 25, 2017 09:52

А вот вы, небось, думали, что Максим Горький своей смертью умер в 69 лет? Журнал "Театр", апрельский выпуск 1938-го года, рассказывает советскому читателю, что Горький умер не просто так, а был коварно доведен до смерти врагами народа.

В статье "Великий Горький" написано следующее:
"Заговорщики, действовавшие как передовой отряд оголтелого фашизма ( Read more... )

кунсткамера, советский реализм

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steblya_kam November 26 2017, 07:36:17 UTC
Няяя, какая прелесть. В перестройку и в 90-е муссировалась идея, что Горького отравили по приказу Сталина. И хотя я была глупой школьницей, я как-то усомнилась. Подумала: они что же, считают, что писатели вообще естественной смертью не помирают?


queyntefantasye November 26 2017, 18:09:20 UTC
Ага, мы как раз обсуждали с нашим общим знакомым эту теорию. Даже фильм был, оказывается.


tandem_bike November 26 2017, 18:56:53 UTC
вообще-то глупая школьница могла бы перед тем как усомниться почитать. а то вырост - ет? или ит? вдруг из глупой школьницы неумная взрослая.

помогли ли Горькому умереть или нет - неясно. но нельзя делать выводы не почитав подробно.. источники, школьница. не газетки.


queyntefantasye November 27 2017, 00:11:22 UTC
Ну зачем грубить?

Это муссировалось действительно в очень желтогазетной форме. Мне кажется раз по теме посоветовали фильм "Под знаком скорпиона", где Ленин со Сталиным так хотят уморить Горького, что ни спать, ни есть не могут.


tandem_bike November 27 2017, 00:12:55 UTC
oo, i was not rude, just picked up the tune of a silly schoolgirl.


steblya_kam November 27 2017, 07:56:49 UTC
Dear Ms. X, I can read English too.


tandem_bike November 27 2017, 11:56:07 UTC
okay. i am not sure that Berberova was right - she was not even near him at the time. however teh circumstances of his death were very strange. onone hand he was grieving for his son, plus had presumably poor lungs, and not young - any pneumonia could take him.

on the other hand he was strong as a bull, and his TB he used mostly to protect himself from unwanted activities.

so.. it is suspicious, and we will never find out, whether he died of natural causes or ... someone helped him along.


steblya_kam November 30 2017, 08:35:11 UTC
Well, I think that sometimes even celebrities do die from natural causes. And don't forget that TB was incurable in the 1930s.


tandem_bike November 30 2017, 12:42:42 UTC
as though i am telling you they don't? :-)

TB was quite curable. it cured itself. my grandfather had TB in the 30s. lots of people had TB that went into remission.

Gorky ( if we believe Hodasevich and Berberova - used his illness to shield himself from unwanted people and obligations.


steblya_kam December 2 2017, 10:08:30 UTC
TB was quite curable. it cured itself. - O my God. Ghekhov and Mura Chukovskaya probably didn't know this. Neither did my maternal great-grandmother.


tandem_bike December 2 2017, 13:57:06 UTC
some people died, others recovered. to say "TB was not curable" is not correct. many people recovered. percentages are estimated as > 1/2, < 2/3 depending on the country.


steblya_kam December 4 2017, 07:47:24 UTC
Some people spontaneously recover from cancer. This doesn't make it 'curable'. The medical term 'curable' means that you know efficient treatment for it.
And I am just intrigued how exactly "Gorky had a 1/3 or 2/3 chance to recover from TB" makes "therefore, he was likely poisoned".


demagogy and lying detected. tandem_bike December 4 2017, 10:37:38 UTC
i never said "therefore he was likely poisoned". not only have i never said "poisoned", i also never made the logical connection of "if he recovered from TB, then he was killed" connection that you are trying to push on me. all i am saying is - he was, for a long time, a fairly robust and healthy man who used his diagnosis as a shield and a cover ( ... )


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