do not like!

Jul 17, 2008 15:27

There have been a couple of changes to my local landscape that I am still peering glaringly over my glasses at: a Taco Bell is being installed in the otherwise nice shopping center across the way, and the 2 giant pine trees in the neighbor's yard were cut away this morning.

Sure, I griped about the bushels of needles the trees crapped everywhere, but damned if they didn't provide shade like crazy. Poor trees. One was sick, and the other was beat up by the storm, but it's still a shame to see 'em go.

And yes, if you are wondering, I am really, insanely bored to be writing about pine trees and fast food restaurants. I'm going just a little bit stir crazy on vacation.

At least now I'm not trapped at home. I had car trouble most this week. It turned out the alignment issues I'd been having were caused by a severely shredded tire (that I happened to park on every time I checked). I got the front 2 replaced, and then about 20 minutes later my battery dies while at Sunflower. After replacing that it still didn't work...turns out I managed to blow the fuse in the process of trying to jump it. But it's working again, so all is relatively well. Did I mention I'm bored?

bored bored bored

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