Title: Tweak
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Boba Fett/Rystáll Sant
Theme: 5-Touch
Rating: PG
Words: 122
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing
He wouldn’t get a chance to suck her neck. At least, not right now. The atmosphere of the palace had changed, and Fett couldn’t ignore his duty anymore. He didn’t want to leave Rystáll’s side. He wanted to be with her all night.
She smiled weakly at him, understanding that he had to go do his job. She didn’t want him to leave either; the bounty hunter was charming in his own mysterious way. Rystáll hoped she’d see him again.
Fett stared at her. She was one of the most beautiful women he had seen, and he didn’t want to go.
With a small sigh, he reached over and gently tweaked her chin. As he walked away he muttered “I’ll miss you.”