Title: Mommy Complex
Fandom: Pillars of the Earth
Character: William Hamleigh
Word Count:
ComplicatedRating: Adult, because of the incest.
Summary: I own nothing. Warnings for incest. William relives the first time his mother abused him. Written with help from my own Pretty Little Redhead. And damn..it was hard to write…
He had come home dirty, smelling of violence and sex. And much to his surprise, Mother was still awake, waiting for him.
“You didn’t come home last night, my son.”
“I had business to attend to.”
His mother just nodded, and asked him to follow her.
Just as she had always done, Mother drew him a bath.
“Was she a virgin?”
“Oh yes…” William said in a breathy whisper. The memory of the night previous made his cock twitch. Embarrassed, since Mother would undoubtedly notice, he looked away, staring off to the side.
She did notice. In her husky voice Mother asked, “You showed her what a fine young man you are down there, didn’t you?”
He refused to answer, but Mother persisted, removing her rings and pushing up the sleeve of her dress.
William was thirteen. He was awkward at this age, puberty hitting him full-force.
Mother had called him into her sitting room. She was embroidering a shawl for Walleran.
“You’ll be confirmed in the Church soon,” Mother said.
William nodded.
“You’re growing up so fast…” Mother put her needlework down and reached out to William. He walked over and Mother grasped his hands firmly, pulled him down, and kissed his mouth.
William didn’t really think anything of this, Mother had done that before.
“You’re a man now William,” she whispered. “Now go, your father is waiting to help you with your sword-fighting today.”
Happy, William ran off.
The following morning, Mother walked quietly into William’s bedroom to wake him up. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled back his covers.
That’s when she noticed the bed was wet. She leaned down slightly. It didn’t smell like urine, and so she concluded that her little boy, her only son, had just experienced his first nocturnal emission.
William stretched in bed, waking up slowly.
“Good morning darling,” Mother said. She sounded flustered. She quickly hurried out.
A little more than a week later, Mother ordered him into a bath. He was pouty about it, wanting to be outside in the warm August air instead of sitting in a pool of water. Mother was babbling on about how much her little boy had grown up. He tuned her out and his mind wandered to the daughter of another Lord, a friend of his father’s. She was three years older than he was, and she had fleshed out quite nicely.
Except now he felt his heart pounding and his blood pumping. If Mother even noticed, she ignored it. That calmed the slightly panicked William.
But it didn’t last.
Mother was washing his shoulders and chest. She had pushed her sleeves up and removed her rings. She kept one hand firmly on his shoulder, and starting whispering in his ear, “Oh my dear, sweet William…” and “I love you so much.”
He didn’t even notice her other hand until it wrapped around his erection.
Walleran had instilled in him a fear of breaking the Commandments. As Mother stroked him, between whispering how much she loved him and what a fine man he was becoming, she said he mustn’t tell anyone what she was doing.
He felt helpless to control his body. It felt horrible, and even though it was his mother stroking him, he quickly ejaculated.
He got dressed, feeling horrible, barely ate any dinner, and went up to his room. He curled up small on his bed, under all the covers, and stayed there until the next morning, when Mother came to wake him up.