Aug 02, 2007 19:12
I had a dream that I was Harry Potter and for some reason I had turned into "the Griffindor Fountain" and I couldnt talk or anything but I had eyes and I could trap ppl I didnt like inside me, and Ron figured out it was me and kept hugging me....
it was kind of cool becuase all the while it was narrated in JK Rowlings style.... I have dreams like that where it is nothing but talking, or me reading a book, and all of the words make sense but then I wake up and I dont remember them...
except the only thing I remember from this dream was " Harry reached up to his face, and his hands touched a rouch surface in the shape of a cross. Soon he could not move his arms at all, they were locked to his sides. He had turned into the Griffindor Fountain!" I dont know where It was going to end up, but I might have a lead for a story there :)