Huh? and a pimping

Sep 04, 2007 10:35

So apparently Gerard got married?

But then again "inside source :)" on ONTD says "TROLLING FOR THE LULZ" really loudly. Not to mention they didn't even include the recent aww cuddly ♥ pictures. So make of that what you will. (FAKE)


While in London, a bunch of us got talking about our mundane and/or filthy bandom fantasies. Like ridiculous Mary-Sue shit that we were just REALLY embarrassed to admit to outloud (but that we loved anyway). We concluded that there should be a community where people can anonymously post their guilty pleasures and then other people can comment anon or not and AGREE.

Let's face it, we all want to have three million of Patrick Stump's babies or just like, become a part of his harem and do his dishes and then fold his socks and give him a blowjob. Or you just REALLY want to talk about that Jon Walker sex dream.

Introducing: indulgentbandom! Post your secret confessions in the submissions post (include html if you want it, hey visual aides are always awesome) and then the mod (me, for all intents and purposes) will make a post for it. People can reply anon or however they feel comfortable and we can all share in the awesome shame.


We're only as awesome as the people submitting stuff, so share!

In conclusion: Gerard Way's DETERIORATING PANTS.
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