Peyton/Lucas Fanmix

May 21, 2007 17:36

Here's a Peyton/Lucas fanmix! Enjoy..

p.s. i aplogize for the "un-pro"-ness :)

1 Mix Tape - Butch Walker

I only wish that there was more than that/ about me and you

2 Trip - Hedley

What are you doing to me/ i'm so into you

3 As Lovers Go - Dashboard Confessional

Well this is as easy as lovers go/ so don't complicate it by hesitating

4 Kill - Jimmy Eat World

I loved you/ and I should've said it/ but tell me/ just what it's ever meant

5 I'm Like a Lawyer, With The Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off Of Me (Me & You) - Fall Out Boy

We’re the new face of failure/ prettier and younger/ but not any better off/ bullet proof loneliness at best

6 Love Will Come Through - Travis

Love will come through/ it's just waiting for you

7 It's Not Over - Chris Daughtry

This love is killing me/ but you're the only one

8 Feeling A Moment - Feeder

And you're wishing for someone

9 Say Ok - Vanessa Hudgens

You are fine/ you are sweet/ but I'm still a bit naive/ with my heart

10 Heaven Forbid - The Fray

Heaven forbid/ you end up alone/ and don't know why

11 Goodnight and Go - Imogen Heap 

Why'd you have to be so cute/ it's impossible to ignore you/ must you make me laugh so much/ it's bad enough we get along so well

12 Leavin' - Jag Star

You don't notice me cause I don't fool around/ i don't want to be in the in crowd

13 Re-Offender - Travis

You say you love me/ then you do it again

14 Umbrella - Rihanna

When the sun shines/ we'll shine together/ let the rain pour/ i'll be all you need and more

15 Whatever Will Be - Vanessa Hudgens

Whatever will be, will be/ no one knows if shooting stars will land

16 The Mixed Tape - Jack's Mannequin

But it was you I was thinking of

17 When It Was Me - Paula DeAnda

Because I can't remember/ when it was me

18 First Single - The Format

Waiting all this time/ to be something I can't define

19 Who's To Say - Vanessa Carlton

And you say we're too young/ but maybe you're too old to remember

20 Worn Me Down - Rachael Yamagata

But you can't stop thinking about her/ no you can't stop thinking about her

21 Waiting - Taxi Doll

So you are bringing back/ something that i have lacked/ what I've been missing all along

fanmix, peyton, leyton, lucas

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