1. Close your eyes and picture a shelf in your character's library. List the titles of the books on that shelf.
He'd have various textbooks and journals relating to biotechnology and genetics, mixed in with (likely handwritten) spellbooks, with perhaps a volume here and there on Chinese folklore. There would be a noted lack of poetry.
2. How does your character prefer to celebrate her victories and successes?
Going out for dinner and dancing or taking his children and vanishing into the wilderness for about a week
3. What is your character's view on privacy--hers and others'?
He holds his own privacy sacred, and become quite irritated when others violate it. The privacy of others he only respects until they come into a position to hurt him or his children - Then nothing's sacred.
4. What double standards does your character hold? How does she expect to be treated differently from the ways in which she treats others? Does she acknowledge this double standard or deny it?
The Count is a walking double standard.
There's the privacy thing, for one. He wants to be given more patience than he has with others, and while he wants his family to come to him when they need help he refuses to do the same. He finds humanity the vilest thing to walk any planet, and yet his lover and the majority of his friends are human. He's seeking to destroy humanity on his home world, while working to peacefully educate them on another.
As for his acknowledging this, it's a hit or miss thing. He'll admit that he's a hypocrite on the privacy and patience. The rest he has a handy excuse for that makes perfect sense in the logic he operates on. This logic, it is not Earth logic.
5. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind?
He wants to leave behind a better world for his children and the animals he protects, one where the planet (and therefore his species) aren't pushed to the edge by humanity's excesses. Unfortunately he wants to do that by killing humanity.
6. What would your character like to see written on her tombstone?
In the unlikely event that he has one instead of just being reborn in a new body? His name, date of birth and date of death.
7. Write an obituary for your character.
I doubt he'd have one, due to both his wishes against it and for safety reasons. His entire race survives by leaving as little a paper trail as possible, so why draw attention to them by way of obituary?
Besides, he's more likely to have a small memorial shrine than an obit.
8. Imagine that a local newspaper or alumni newsletter has chosen to spotlight your character this month. Write that article, or the interview held by the reporter.
That article would never be written, because as soon as the Count found out about it he'd pull a vanishing act.
9. What is the most shameful thing that ever happened to your character?
Either having his children taken from him, burying as many children as he has, or Vesca.
10. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to your character?
Last Valentine's Day, when Puck made him fall in love with a Transformer.
11. Does your character hold any extremist political viewpoints?
I'm thinking being genocidal counts.
12. If your character had to pick one popular saying to embody her philosophy toward life, what would it be?
"An eye for an eye."
13. In terms of romantic relationships, what is your character's "type"? What does she think her type is? Are these two things the same or different?
Well, in both cases what he wants and what he thinks he wants are pretty much the same. For once he has few illusions in this, the only one coming to mind being that he thinks he doesn't want love in a serious relationship.
In a serious relationship? He wants someone who won't treat him like a god (which he technically is one, but details, details.) He doesn't want to be put on a pedestal and worshiped, he wants someone who'll see him for a person and not a fearsome kami. He wants someone who will yell at him when he's being an idiot and forget his title and bitch about how he kills the hot water. He also wants someone he doesn't have to be gentle with, someone he can hurt physically and emotionally who can hurt him right back. All that aside, he wants someone who would never dream of raising a hand to his children or taking them from him, and who would be a good parent to them.
In a casual relationship, he just requires that they be attractive, over eighteen (though over twenty-one is preferred,) good in bed, and have no illusions of love.
14. When was the last time your character took a vacation?
He's in the middle of one right now, at least as far as his job goes. Though as he's settling into life in a new world with a baby and a lover, I'm not sure that's a proper vacation. But it's the closest he's come since leaving university.
15. What person has most influenced your character's development as an adult?
His father, though not always in good ways.
16. Did your character have any heroes as a child?
See above
17. Open up the cabinets in your character's bathroom and describe what you find there.
Make-up, various home-made shampoos and soaps, other misc bath herbs, first aid supplies (and a lot of them), scissors. If you root around you'll probably find a few cigarette packs where he's stolen them from Vesca, hid them, and forgotten them.
18. What is the best vacation your character has ever taken?
The one he enjoyed the most was during his years at university, when he stayed with Vesca at his family's summer home near the Gulf.
19. What is the most memorable romantic encounter your character has ever had?
Either the Bacchanalia or the time he ran into Vesca in Prague. The latter because he wasn't sure if he'd leave alive. The former because, while it's not technically romantic, hello! Bacchanalia!
20. What is the biggest lie your character has ever told?
This gets weird. Most of the time the Count means what he says at the time, but doesn't later. Or he's lying, but he honestly believes he's telling the truth.
Either way, I'd have to say that saying he cannot fall in love, or any time he said he had given up destroying humanity.
On a related topic, he's actually more honest with others while in the Nexus. He's made no secret of the fact that he plans to destroy the humans of his world, nor that he has no plan to do the same in other worlds. They're not his world, and ergo it's not his place.
21. What is the most cruel and hurtful thing your character has ever done?
Ruining marriages, breaking hearts, killing people, driving people insane, betrayal... the Count is not a good person.
22. Has your character ever broken any laws? Did she get caught?
...He created a virus to destroy humanity and got shot for it. What do you think?
23. Who was your character's best friend during childhood?
His father, and the animals in the Petshop.
24. If your character were to paint the inside of her house, what color scheme would she use?
Mostly whites, with light purples and blues.
25. Who was your character's best friend during her teenage years?
Not sure he had one. The person closest to him at that time was a lover of his father's, but their relationship was more like an uncle and nephew.
26. Describe your character's dream home.
Something light and airy, with lots of large windows and a huge garden. It would be in the forrest, away from humanity, and there would be more animals living in and around the house than his family. Heavy Chinese influence in the decor, and a huuuuuuuuuuge bathtub.
27. Who was your character's best friend during adolescence?
Didn't you just ask this?
28. Describe your character's childhood home.
A floating magical ship that sometimes turned into a magical petshop. No, seriously!
29. What is the most cruel and hurtful thing your character has ever said?
He's said a lot of cruel things, but I'm betting the following is up there in the top ten:
"God? I am the only god in this church Father. Pray to that crucified wretch all you want, but don't expect him to save you. He's been dead for centuries."
30. How good is your character at manipulating other people? To what end does she do it?
He's good at it, I'd say. He's not as good as certain other members of his family, but better than the average person. Then again, given that his kind deal in illusions, dreams and half-truths, it's not that surprising.
As for what ends, any really. To gain allies, to gain sympathy for his cause, to get his way - anything and everything.