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May 29, 2006 00:56

((I'm a member, I'm usually just too lazy to actually post. I like answering these sorts of things for my own sake, at least. Lots of good questions, so I thought I'd take the time to post them. I play Domino a couple of places, but these answers are for the version I play mostly on sages_of_chaos))

20. Does your character prefer recreational activities that involve other people, or solo activities? She likes activities that involve having other people around her. She doesn't necessarily want to interact with them, but she likes having a crowd around her. Bars, concerts, movies... these are all good places for her. They take up time, and they keep her occupied.

21. Does your character ever get drunk or high? What is she like at those times? It takes a concerted effort for Dom to get drunk, which doesn't mean she doesn't try. She's strictly a social drinker when she's around other people. She only drinks heavily when she's alone. When she's really and truly drunk, she's not fun to be around. She talks a lot, even more than normal, but she's also argumentative and easy to anger. She'll take a swing if provoked. High, she was very hyper and very lascivious.

• What are her drugs of choice? Are they legal or illegal? If illegal, how does she obtain them and justify their use? She gave up most of her illegal drug habits when Nathan locked her in a hotel room for a week when she was nineteen. Before that, she'd take what she could get. Mostly coke, as it was the real party drug of the 80s. As a merc, it was easy to get her hands on whatever she wanted, and she certainly had money at her disposal. She tried to justify it as a form or relaxation. Nathan didn't find it at all amusing. She also got herself addicted to sleeping pills, something she finally broke herself of through sheer stubbornness. That habit, however, was more a result of trying to drown out nightmares and beat back the insomnia which has plagued her adult life. She has a legal prescription to treat her mild bipolar tendencies, though it remains to be seen how well that will work out for her.

• Does she have an addictive personality? She's an adrenaline junky. She lives for action, and she's addicted to risk. Her powers give her amazing good luck, so she's always pushing herself, waiting to see just how close to the line she can get before even her fortunes change for the worse.

• Is she addicted to anything? If so, how does it affect her life? She could stand to drink less. She doesn't consider it an addiction, because she can stop for long periods and not feel the need to, but like smoking, it's a habit she falls back on when she's stressed. It can be disruptive, because she'll spend days in bed with a bottle and her cigarettes, and it kicks her further into depression.

22. From your point of view, what is your character's worst flaw? Probably her selflessness. She puts the well-being of everyone before herself. This includes emotionally as well as physically. She's the last one out when a battle goes bad, and she will back down in any clash of emotions because she doesn't value herself very much. She lives for other people... and when there's no one around for her to save, she looses sight of herself.

23. From your point of view, what is your character's greatest strength? She's got a ferocity to her. She's not afraid to give her all, and she's not afraid of death. It's something she expects to happen eventually (and it all ready has) and so she throws herself into situations, though she's not exactly reckless. And she loves the same way she fights, she's just much more reserved about showing it.

24. From the point of view of someone close to your character, what is her worst flaw? That she's distant, uncommunicative. She parrots back other peoples' feelings instead of saying what's on her mind. She's constantly deferring to others on matters of the heart.

25. A stray cat (or dog) shows up on your character's doorstep several days in a row and appears to have no home. What does she do? She takes it in, of course. The woman helped raise seven stray teenagers. After that, a dog or cat is nothing. She will probably hand the animal off to someone who has the time and space to love it properly, in the end, but not before she's taken care of all its needs.

26. From the point of view of someone close to your character, what is her greatest strength? Her devotion. Once she trusts someone, she will do anything for them. Of course, if they betray that trust, her wrath is a fearsome thing.

27. Your character arrives home to find her door unlocked and slightly ajar, and she's sure she locked it on her way out. What does she do? She pulls her gun, flips off the safety, toes the door open and makes her way inside the way any soldier would, being careful to clear all areas before lowering her guard.

• Why is it unlocked? Someone has either been stupid enough to come to kill her, or G.W. has stopped by. He has no manners.

28. From your character's point of view, what is her worst flaw? She can'r communicate her feelings well. She isn't emotionless, but she sometimes seems heartless because she just doesn't know how to express what she's feeling. She has a hard time letting go of her 'tough girl' facade.

29. If someone told your character that she had a mental illness, how would she react? She's swear and possibly punch them.

• What if a close friend suggested it? She'd swear and deny it strenuously.

• What if a professional made an official diagnosis? She'd decide that she doesn't believe in anything a doctor has to say, especially not a diagnosis for which there are conveniently no true, indisputable tests for. Which doesn't mean she won't humor them.

• What if a close friend or relative of hers was given the diagnosis instead? She'd be supportive of them and do everything she could to help.

30. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? She appears to be very extroverted, but she's actually a very closed off person. Very few people really know her at all.

31. From your character's point of view, what is her greatest strength? Her abilities as a soldier. From her point of view, that's all she's really good for.

1. A stranger knocks on your character's door in the middle of the night and asks for help. Does your character open the door and let the stranger in? It depends on a number of factors, and how paranoid she's feeling.

• What if the stranger is a tattooed, wiry man with blood on his face? Then they're probably not really a stranger at all.

• What if the stranger is a weary-looking old lady? She'd offer to get the woman assistance, but she probably wouldn't be overly friendly.

• What if the stranger is a twelve-year-old child who keeps looking around as though someone is following him? It'd probably turn into something out of 'The Professional.' She's very protective of children, given how miserable her own childhood was.

2. Does your character have any allergies or sensitivities? How do they affect his life? The albinism that's a part of her mutation means that her skin is very sensitive to both sunlight and other irritants. It can be a problem on long ops if she has to be in the sun, though she's careful about protecting herself.


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