May 6-19 Question the pups

May 28, 2006 17:35

6. If your character knew she would die tomorrow, what would she do today?
Nothing. I think Ryan would pull herself into a hole and hide away, so that no one would feel obligated to give her any pity or anything. She might go out and get completely drunk. One or the other. But she wouldn't tell anyone.

7. Who was your character's favorite teacher and why?
Sister Mary Agnes. She was always smiling, and she ran around with the kids on the playground. She never scowled or told Ryan that she was funny looking.

8. Does your character tend to focus her efforts on one project at a time, or does she spread her efforts across a variety of projects?
Ryan is horribly single minded. She doesn't juggle things well, and she gets pissy if people distract her from what she's doing.

9. Does your character like to cook? If so, what does she like to cook and how good is she at it?
She's a very, very good cook. She likes to bake, but cooks everything. From scrambled eggs to standing rib roast, she's very proud of what she makes. She had a grandmother and aunt who are both good cooks, and it's a skill that brings her pleasure.

10. If someone tried to blackmail your character, what would she do? How easy or difficult would it be?
She would kill them. It really is that simple. She was blackmailed with threats to her friends once, and that was a mistake. Now she would simply find a way to eliminate the person threatening her.

11. If your character needed a security clearance for a job she wanted, would she be able to get one?
With her money, she could buy it. But she wouldn't have a job like that.

12. There's someone who hates your character, but your character doesn't realize it. Who is this person and why does he hate your character so much?
• How would your character find out?
• What would she do about it?
Whoever it is, they would likely be someone who hates her family. Ryan would probably find out when they confronted her. I don't think she would really care what they thought, unless they started trouble, then she'd deal with them.

13. Someone is secretly in love with your character. Who is it and how does your character feel about him?
I think Frankie loves Ryan, but in love isn't possible. He's in love with Hobbes and Dorothy. But he loves her, probably as much as he's capable of. Anyone else? Have to be a stalker. The only person she's dated is Andrew, and they are just friends.

14. Is your character at all spiritual or religious? If so, what religion or spiritual path does she follow? How devout is she?
• Does she hate all members of any religion(s)?
• Is she tolerant of other religions? If so, how tolerant?
Ryan was raised in Catholic schools, but she isn't especially religious. She's pretty tolerant, though she makes fun of extremists and fundamentalists of any faith.

15. What hurt will your character never forgive? How old (and how minor or major) is this hurt? How much does it affect her life?
The pup would never, ever voice it, but it hurts her deeply that her first time was with someone who was motivated partly by revenge. She's always felt a sting from that memory, wishing that she had been desired for herself. It's not a big deal, and she loves the guys, but she still smarts over that.

16. One of your character's parents said something to her that she'll never forget. What are the words that will always echo in her ears?
>i>You're an ugly duckling, with no future as a swan. You'll never be the one that a man can't live without. Ryan believes that she's just not pretty enough. She's strong and confident in all kinds of things. But not that.

17. What is your character's favorite color to wear? Is it the same as or different than her favorite color? Pink and black. Same.

18. Open up your character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
Well stocked with all of the basics anyone would need to create a decent meal. Good quality products, dishes.

19. What does a typical grocery list look like for your character?
Chicken, eggs, pasta, Honey Bunches of Oats with peaches cereal, milk, Coke, Fuze drinks, tea, squaw bread, bagels, chocolate, Jello cups, fresh fruit and veggies, honey mustard dressing.
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