over the summer i've noticed a lot about myself...i've changed. not towards my friends or anything but just towards myself. i think i'm still the same ashley on the outside but i'm not the same ashley on the inside and when it comes to me thinking about myself and everything about me.
i love myself and i've realized that no guy can make me think differently. i shouldn't let a guy make me feel like crap just because he's not the one for me or because he doesn't think i'm the one for him. it's not a big deal! there are tons of more fish in the sea.
so anyway i think i'm starting to like joshah. i mean i know i haven't seen him since school but after talking to people and remembering how he acted around me, i think now feelings for him are starting to show. if he gives me a chance this year then i'm going to take my chance and run with it. forget what's his name lol i love that.
well i've written some new songs for my demo. one song is a collaboration with some guy named james bund. the song is called "When The Sun Goes Down" and if i do say so myself it's a pretty damn good song. then some other ones i've started writing are "Heavy", "Because Of You", and "Lip Gloss". Lip Gloss is like the slut song on the demo but hey who doesn't have a slut song on at least one of their cds? haterz can kiss my tail feather!
i'll post my site up later after i redo some of the songs on there because they're not studio recorded right now i need to go do that sometime soon so i can send out these new demos really really soon.
until then u pplz can check out my BP page