(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 22:10

somethin' different

Created by conchessa and taken 16 times on Bzoink
about YOUmiddle nameanneeyesblueDo you..?listen to your heart?yesthink your sexy?not usuallygossip?rarelylike 80's music?someloose track of what day it is?yesbecome speechless when someone takes your breath away?definitely!live life day by day or 3 weeks in advance?weeks in advancego outside during a thunderstorm?noforget to change change your clocks for daylight savings?i've done thatleave a message when nobody's home?yesown a cowboy hat?yesgo to bed naked or with pj's on?with pjs onCan you...?do the Cleveland shuffle?no boodo the splits?noscream and make glass shatter?never triedChoosysnickers/3 musketeers3 musketeersblack ink/ blue inkbluenight owl/ early birdnight owlEllen/ Oprahellengel/ hairsprayhairsprayhot shower/ cold showerhotdancer/ wallflowerdancerAll Donegraciasde nada
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