Sep 11, 2005 17:45
Ok. To start with here's a little anecdote that exposes the general stupidity of computers: For some reason unknown to me my keyboard had come unplugged so when I turned my computer on today it gave me the message: Error: no keboard present. So far so good, There is no keyboard present so that makes sense. Then it tells me to press F1 to continue or press delete to enter setup to fix the problem. Now its just told me that I have no keyboard so how the hell am I supposed to press F1 or delete. Thankfully I checked the plug at the back of the computer so everything's fine. Dumbass computer!
Another way that my compuer is being stupid is that it won't play my Corrs Borrowed Heaven CD. I put it in and my whole computer jus froze up. Then I took it out and everything was fine again. I wondered if the CD was bust so I took it down to my room and put it in my CD player and it worked fine. Unfortunately my CD player and the computer are far away from each other so I can't listen to it on the player and still use the computer :( So now I'm forced to listen to Linkin Park while I write this. You know everything's going downhill when your forced to lisen to linkin park.
I almost killed myself playing soccer with some friends in the midday heat today. We managed to play for half an hour and then we all craqwled to the nearest shape and just lay there for another half an hour. I have officially decided that playing soccer barefoot on tennis court is a really bad idea. Now I have huge blisters on the soles of m feet. They hurt! But anyway there's really no point in complaining cos there's nothing to do about it but wait for them to go away. And besides, now I have express orders to sit with my feet up for the rest of the day. What a pitty that is.
O well. I seem to have run out of semi-worthwhile rubbish to write so I guess I'll stop and go and start studying for English lit tomorrow and music history on tuesday. It could be worse I guess, I could be signing of to go para-drop into enemy territory so I guess I really don't have all that much t complain about.
PS: At least the para-drop would be interesting. Hamlet and Shostakovic were both really boring idiots.
PPS: Enjoy your days everyone.