Feb 16, 2006 20:43
I really want to get back into writing in LJ, considering Russ and Becka have LJ's, I can write about Dan and not feel that I'm hurting Tim, and can vent. Ok so survey time 123go.
1. Spell your name backwards? einnob.
2. Story behind your name: Mom wanted to name me Melanie from "Gone with the Wind," her favorite movie, because Melanie had such a sweet disposition but nobody in my family could pronounce it so she named me after Scarlett's sweet daughter that felloffahorseanddied. I know. wtf.
3. When is your birthday : September 9, 1986
4. Where do you live : Myles Standish, Boston or Woodside, NY
5. Wallet : Dooney
6. Eyes : Dark brown
7. Toothbrush : Blue.
8. Jewelry worn daily : Tiffany bracelet usually and silver earrings.
9. Cell Phone : Phone with tape on back. That's how I roll.
10. Pillow cover right now : White.
11. Car : No car.
12. Cologne/Perfume : HAHAH Britney Spear's curious. I Know. But it smells AMAZING. Like your mom.
13. Piercing : ears.
14. What you are wearing now: Black and white striped shirt, DKNY Jeans,
15. Wishing : that I could just finish my ES hw and psych reading so I can go get Coldstone with dan.
16. Wanting : to focus my attention to my work (even though it is getting done) and not on dan haha
17. After this : date with dan, my treat.
18. If you could get away with it and murder anyone who would it be : Nobody.
19. Person you wish you could see right now : Poppa.
20. Some of your favorite movies : Anchorman, Girl Interrupted, Green Mile, Joan of Arc, Mean Girls, Finding Nemo, Donnie Darko, Team America, Frankenstein. I guess stupid funny movies and serious mentally enhancing ones.
21. Something you're looking forward to in the coming week: Nothing in particular. Just loving this semester is a lot better.
22.Something you just ate : Spaghetti.
23. Something you are deathly afraid of : Death.
24. Do you like candles : Um yeah
25. Do you like incense : Yeah, especially the one at Church that used to smell horrible to me, but smells awesome now
26. Do you like the taste of blood: Sometimes if my finger is bleeding it doesn't taste bad, but I don't purposly suck on blood.
27. Do you believe in love : Sure
28. Do you believe in love at first sight : Yeah
29. Do you believe in Heaven: Yeah
30. Can you eat with chopsticks : Barely i suck.
31. What's your favorite coin : um, quarters. quotas mista!
32. What's something you wish you could understand better: My academics.
33. Are you shy around your crush : Yes. when i have a crush on you i am DISTURBINGLY shy at first.
34. Do you know what it feels like to be in love : Yes, it's magical.
35. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends : Sure
36. Have any tattoos : No.
37. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing : Clothes-- $50 for jeans in the recent months.
38. Do you match your belt with your hair color : WHAT
39. How many pairs of shoes do you own : i probably have like 12 in my closet.
40. Do you do drugs : i tried acid once. no i do not do drugs.
41. What kind of shampoo do you use : garnier
42. What are you listening to right now : badd by ying f/mike jones. it's such a bad song.
43. Whats a break up song you are most likely to listen to while breaking up: "So sick" by NEyo is amazing. It speaks to me. Also, all the songs that reminded me of Tim.