Jul 09, 2004 21:27
Name:: Bonnie
Birthdate:: 9.9
Age:: 17
Birthplace:: Bucuramanga, Colombia
Eldest, Middle, Youngest, Only Kid?: Only kid
Family:: Mom, dad, grandpa
Pets:: dog mellow
Do you go to school:: Yes
What is your highest level achieved?: so far HS
Religion:: Roman Catholic
Do you have friends?: Uh, yes.
Do you like to be lonely?: No, I feel lonely tonight and I hate it
What color are your eyes?: Brown
Do you like it?: Sometimes I do, sometimes I wonder what it feels like to have different colored eyes than mine or have them change.
What color eyes do you want?: Light brown
What color is your hair?: Dark brown
Do you like it?: Yeah, I think I would be a little happier if I use the Sun-In a little more so the front gets a wee bit lighter permanently.
What color do you want?: I want the light brown to be a little more prominent in the front.
Do you dye your hair?: I sun-in'ed a little
If yes, how regularly?: I'm goign to do it probably once or twice more.
Do you wear glasses?: no
Do you have a trademark?: nah
How tall are you?: 5'2"
What's your heritage/nationality?: Colombian by blood, American by domesticity and culture
Do you have the same hairstyle everyday?:lately it's a side wavy ponytail, but it usually up messy.
Do you think you look exciting?: I think sometimes.
Are you self concious?: At this moment, very.
Do you obsess over your looks?: Not really,
Do you even care about your appearences?: depends on where i am and who i'm with and where i'm going.
How long do you spend in the bathroom?: i get ready in about 15-20 min. a day lol
About life... again
Punk/Goth/Ghetto/Prep/Jock/Nerd/Other (list)? stereotype?: I have preppy tendencies but you can't categorize me. i'm just bleh.
Do you pick your nose? In secret?: sporadically
Do you like yourself? Life?: I'm ok.
Are you liked by people?: yeah, most
Do you want to become famous?: Yes and no
Do you want to make a difference in this big world?: No
Why?: Cuz, too dangerous
Fun Stuff
Which celebrities do you worship in secret?: jake gyllenhaal, judy garland
Blues/Rock/Jazz/Classical/Pop/Urban/Country?: Hip Hop, Pop
Are you one of those people who diss fans of a music genre you don't like?: No.
Which pop princess shits you?: Avril and Hilary
Can you sing?: if i have training yes
Can you act?: if i have training yes
Who is your fave actor?: jake gyllenhaal, robin williams, william h. macy, jim carey,jimmy fallon, tom hanks
Fave movie?: Donnie Darko
Backstreet Boys or Nsync?: I hate them
Good Charlotte or Blink 182?: I hate them both
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?: Britney.
Slayer or Black Sabbath?: dunno
The Beatles or The Monkees?: The Beatles.
ABBA or the A Teens?: LOL A-Teens cover ABBA so I'll say A-Teens because of their poppy overtones.
Guilty pleasure?: Porn.
The Simpsons or Family Guy?: FAMILY GUY!!!!!1
MTV... yeah or neah?:yeye
Do you have a group of friends?: yeah some.
How many?: the lexy,sarah,amanda, then my MD gang, my 122 girls when i'm in ny and the md crew when i'm there. mainly those are the main 'groups'
To an onlooker, what would your group be viewed as?: intellectual coolness(MD-122), laughing baffoons(AAS girls), beautiful girls(solely 122 girls), an awesome gang(MD guys n kris/kat).
Who are you closest to?: I dont konw
Who is your best friend?: People
Are any of them bad influences?: Yeah
Who are you in your group? The leader? The leader's bitch? The follower?: The support.
Are you dirty minded?: I can be perverted yes
Do you have any sexual feelings towards friends?: I have had
Generally, how are you viewed in your group?: As the one to always make us laugh and the one you can lean on.
Do your friends know you?: Most pretty well.
Are you single or taken?: Taken
If single:
Do you want to stay single?: n/a
Why are you single?: n/a.
Do you date around?: N/a
When was the last time you have a bf/gf?: n/a
If taken:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: bf
How long have you been together?:enough
How serious are you?: very
How many exes have you had?: 0
How exes has your partner had?: 1 but it wasn't as deep as our relationship
Are you physically attracted to your bf/gf?:Yes fucking yes
Why?: Because he's fucking gorgeous
When was the first kiss?: New Year's Eve
First date?: October--Noogiefest
Do you love him/her?: Yes with a passion and without a doubt
Does their family adore or hate you?: i think 'adore' since it's not 'hate'
How far have you gone with your bf/gf?: enough lol
Does your family hate or adore him/her?: LOVE him
What do you think of his/her mother?: eh, kinda not very open/smooshy lol
How did you meet?... have I asked this already?: my bff moved to MD and wen my girls and I went to visit her we hung out with her cousin and his guy friends from his all boy HS and me and tim met.
Straight/Bisexual/Homosexual?: straight
Life... yet again.
Can you play any instruments? Which ones?: Not really no
Math or English?: English.
The Arts or Sciences?: The Arts.
Technical or Creative?: Technical
Are you poetic?: I can be if I want to be. I could write poetry, if I have the inspiration
How many babies do you want?: at least 1
. :S
Do you spend most of your time on the net?: Lately yeah, but when I'm out no
What do you think of your country's leader?: Uh...
Do you love me?: No
Why?: You're not real you're intangible
What kind of meat do you like to eat?: chicken
What's your favourite food?: mac and cheeze
Drink?: OJ
I'm bored now. Wanna stop?: No
It was too late for Erika/Tan to hang out and then too late to call Russ and I can't go out to Diego's party and Lexy can't come over so even though I had chances to hang, my pplz are just busy. It sucks though becaue I feel pretty empty. I took this coming home from MD without Tim pretty hard. A little part of my heart has a hole in it, seroiusly and it sucks because I know he isn't fretting as much over it. I wish I didn't always have to be occupied to feel whole. That's one thing I need to work on but I don't think I will because I don't know how to. I am:
a. trying to become more subdued and less argumentative with parents but it's hard because they try your patience. Good news tho: curfew of 11 on weekdays-12 weekends unless I'm with people/taking a cab, then it's later.
b. going to TRY to meditate. We'll see how that doesn't work
c. Treat every day the same instead of rushing the days to see Tim again because my summer will go by faster and I'm not living moments.
-God, I miss Tim so much right now I hope I get over this.