For Lola and all her sisters and brothers

Oct 03, 2005 09:02

I'm not one to get preachy on my journal because most of my LJ friends aren't in the same boat as me as far as most of my beliefs go, but just this once I'm asking that people pay attention to this post and take a few minutes to look at things and read what I've written. And if you don't feel like reading everything, please please please just at least watch the video. I'm not trying to force anything down your throat, I'm not trying to convert you, I'm not trying to turn you into me...I'm just trying to educate people and make them aware of the things that are going on right now. Thank you.


-Even if you aren't someone who loves pit bulls like me, please visit this website and look at some of the pictures. I want people to realize that Breed Specific Legislation is something that will destroy families and kill innocent animals. The site contains over 400 pages of people who have submitted pictures of their companion animals who could be taken away from them and euthanized just because they are considered a "dangerous breed". Once these particular breeds are gone, who will be next? Will it be your dog? Did you know Corgis and Border Collies are just a few examples of the 96 breeds of dogs that are restricted in Italy? They must be walked with muzzles when out in public. Please don't let this happen here. Please let people know that breedism bites. Punish the deed, not the breed.

-An example of how hard it is to tell which dogs are actually pit bulls. Trying to locate and remove pit bulls from families is almost impossible because many other breeds of dogs are often mistaken for pit bulls. There is also the issue of how different one pit bull looks from another. Looking at some of the pictures from Sorry will prove to you that one pit bull will look nothing like the pit bull you saw 2 pictures above it. How many breeds of dogs will have to be banned, then slaughtered just because of how they look?

-More info on BSL and how to fight it.

-And even more info.
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