Mon, 12:24: I completely forgot Knuckles is the header on my Twitter page from forever ago since I first made it and never chan…
Mon, 19:36: RT @ AlaskaWx: Yes, it's going to be a cold last week of 2019. We'll take it, but it's too little too late: ten days of cold weather doesn't…
Mon, 19:56: RT @ svgarlilac: Hi, twitter suspended my account because I was mass following strippers and apparently that is SUSPICIOUS. anyways idk that…
Mon, 20:20: RT @ xtineogle: This tweet is almost two days old and there’s been no argument. No one has even mildly disagreed. Are potatoes the thing th…
Mon, 20:35: RT @ angiewa: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Is your life really awesome if you don't…
Tue, 09:46: This is why I can't stand this nonsensical holiday. Plus all the work. I've been cleaning 14 hour days 7 days a we…
Tue, 10:12: I shouldn't even be on here I'm so miserable I hate everything. I'm sick of cleaning I'm sick of housework. I want…
Tue, 10:38: RT @ PennyPresleyX: Another dialogue id like to open up for discussion: as a pale person, I’ve been bullied, pressured into tanning and wear…
Tue, 10:49: RT @ StripsEmily: You know what sounds really good right now? A dirty martini with extra olives.
Tue, 10:55: I'm not approved to go to a dermatologist even though I get cysts so bad that hurt me so much too where I'm digging…
Tue, 10:57: I stopped going to so many stores because employees would follow me around the stores watching me until I would fre…
Tue, 11:08: I'm so busy being angry and sour and burned about Christmas it's retracting from the nerdy excitement I should be f…
Tue, 11:15: RT @ questella: @ lilririah Honestly my hair might be the only thing about me I love. And I guess my ability to wear ridiculously tall heels.
Tue, 11:21: RT @ TrashBarbiee: Okay now I’m just on a rant, one more thing. FUCK CLUBS THAT TELL YOU WHEN TO WORK. We are INDEPENDENT contractors, that…
Tue, 11:23: RT @ NeuroNerd78: Please stick your condescending "you have nothing to complain about" tropes where the sun doesn't shine. I know I'm lucky…
Tue, 11:30: RT @ Vej_Gee: Did you know you can love kids and still beat no... wait, that's not it... You can love women and still abuse them…
Tue, 11:32: RT @ kittenxlady: Trying to learn a new language is really intimidating, but I’m hugely motivated by one thing: wanting to be able to commun…
Tue, 11:43: People saying people shouldn't have kids. People saying people shouldn't have abortions. People against accessib…
Tue, 11:45: RT @ OllieAVegan: I longboard/take public transportation everywhere because I'm privileged enough to do so I'm zero waste because I'm privi…