Sep 23, 2007 14:15
First, a disclaimer. I'm in a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad mood. Very baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad mood. So, you have been warned!!!
1. Spoilers and the doofus who feel it necessary to post them in public
I successfully navigated the Harry Potter world without being spoiled one iota. I do have to say, I am a doofus, I did spoil part of HBP for someone but it was completely unintentional. So I guess, I'm mad at myself (altho I didn't do it on purpose). Ok. Well. I guess I can't rant about this the same way I wanted to without looking like a total hypocrite.
But I guess I'm gonna anyway...
I have been waiting for six months for the next JR Ward book, and it's due on Tuesday. Yesterday on her forum some newbie posted for the first time and what does she do? She, who got the book early because of some idiotic bookseller's desire to cash in early, posted in the main room of the forum what is, essentially, the ending of the new book. That I haven't read. And yeah, I'm ticked off. Because when you read the forum rules, which you had to click "accept" to get into the darn thing... it clearly states no spoilers. And in the room the noob posted, it CLEARLY states no spoilers or discussion about the book.
So, despite my past history as an inadvertent spoiler... I am still mad at this noob. Because I wanted to go into this book not knowing a darn thing, and now I know. And of course, I can't say anything to my myriad of friends who are also fans, which means I can't talk to them for two days because - God Forbid - I pull a HBP again.
2. I have entirely too much scrapbooking stuff
Seriously. I bought a fixture from a store closure, it has 102 slots for paper. So I figure, great... I'll put my patterned paper in, and with the left over slots, fill the rest with my solid color cardstock. No more shifting through boxes and stuff.
Yeah. Well. Guess what? 102 slots later and I still have patterned paper to place. Haven't even gotten to the solid cardstock. I am now, officially, on a paper moratorium. NO MORE PAPER FOR ME.
And don't get me started on embellishments....
3. It's freaking hot in Arizona
I've been sweating all day. I hate sweating. I hate heat. Why did we decided to move back here, anyway??
OK... so the negative has been purged. Now it is time to even out the karmetic equation a bit...
Things I am thankful for...
1. Friends.
Be they Leaky, Quest, Work, or life friends... I am blessed with a plethora of wonderful people who support and love me unconditionally. It's so neat. Thanks, guys. For everything you do and don't do and for simply listening to me when I rant incoherently.
2. Family
I have great kids. I really do. They are intelligent, talented, and empathetic. What a wonderful combination. I don't stop and appreciate them like I should. So I'm going to spend more time focusing on the wonderful joy that they bring to me rather than the fact that the sock I asked them to pick up off the bathroom floor is still there (it is still there, I just looked)
My husband is uber cool. Spousal units don't get any better than him. He gives me such space and room to grow, create, and simply to be me. After 18 years together... he gets me. And has since day one.
3. Wizard Rock
Who can stay angry when they know they are going to see the Remus Lupins play later in the day? Of course, the bar will be hot, but... the band is hotter.
So time to focus on the positive and not the negative. Thanks for letting me rant, folks.
jr ward,