Title: Passenger
Rating: G
Summary: Dillon's condition for joining the team has the rest of the Rangers wondering why. Set just after "Rain," with references to "The Road to Corinth" and "Go For the Green".
After he accepts the Series Black morpher, the first thing all three original Rangers ask him is why he made Ziggy’s release from prison his condition for joining their team.
Flynn is the most casual about it, competently chopping fruit in the kitchen while Dillon sits across the counter from him, more for lack of anything better to do than for any desire for company. Flynn’s voice floats calmly over the sound of the blender. “So, when did you meet Ziggy?” Dillon studies him closely for a moment, but can’t find an ulterior motive.
“Yesterday,” Flynn echoes, and something in Dillon relaxes as Flynn’s voice registers nothing more than a mild curiosity. “You became friends right quick then, yeah?” Dillon shrugs. After a moment’s pause, Flynn shrugs back at him amiably, and offers him a glass.
Summer is characteristically more direct, and has clearly already spoken to Flynn. “Dillon, why did you ask the Colonel to release Ziggy if you’d only just met him?”
“I already had a car,” he responds. “What? You think I should have asked for a motorcycle?” He walks away before she can ask him again.
Scott doesn’t ask until just after Ziggy becomes the Series Green operator, and when he does, it is perhaps not truly intended as a question. “Why in the world would you release Ziggy?” he roars in Dillon’s direction as Ziggy darts behind him, clutching Dillon’s arms for protection from the person who has just discovered that Ziggy has refilled the gas tank of the scooter he had stolen to escape Tenaya 7 by siphoning it from Scott’s car. Dillon simply folds his arms across his chest - Ziggy still clinging to his elbows - and stares Scott down, who settles for yelling at Ziggy for several long minutes before stomping out.
The truth is, Dillon doesn’t know why he insisted on Ziggy’s release from prison. This doesn’t particularly bother him, as he’s gotten quite used to not knowing things. It might have something to do with the sheer audacity of a boy who can try to steal someone's car at gearshift-point. It might be instinct, his subconscious picking up on whatever subtle signals indicate that Ziggy will one day partner him and do it well. It might be what a more fanciful person than Dillon might call destiny in the making.
When it really comes down to it, though, the best reason Dillon can come up with is that before Ziggy, Dillon has never had a passenger in his car. During that first ride together, even when the quiet he has become accustomed to over the past year is stomped all to pieces by Ziggy questioning Dillon about his past or babbling about his own life or shrieking distractingly about their shared imminent death, Dillon can't actually say that he dislikes it. And when it becomes apparent that Corinth really, desperately needs him as the Series Black operator, Dillon decides that it might be worthwhile to try and keep his passenger around.
I haven't been around much lately, and I won't be for a while after this either. The same reason serves for both statements: tomorrow, my friends, I am getting married. I'm so happy and excited I can't sleep, so I'm posting this before I go. I hope everyone is having an absolutely wonderful day.