Sep 25, 2005 20:47
I thought I lost my glasses in ridgewood today
but i didnt
so, about today
I was supposed to meet up with laura at the UU church this morning at 10:55, but my mom decided it was imperative to finish rubbing white stuff in the tiles in my bathroom at Garfield
so I ended up getting there at around 11:20
when i got there, i was afraid of going in late and i could find laura ne where
but instead i ran into this cool girl named Sam
she told me it was her first time going to a service too and we spent like 5 minutes outside the front door
debating about whether to go in or not and whether or not the people inside will glare at us and shun us for being late
but i opened the door
and we went in
the service was nice
it was about Freedom and how important it is that we dont take it for granted.
There were also many songs, some of which were songs sung by slaves (ex. Follow The Drinking Gourd)
kassi wont stop barking #**(&
brb im gonna shut him up
*approx. 2.4 minutes later*
okay, back
I let him in
and rubbed the back of his ear
he liked it a lot
and u know he likes it when he makes this sound: "RRrrRRARRRRrrrRRRRR"
so that was good
Oh yeah, during the drive from Garfield to Ridgewood, I was on Route 17 and I looked at the other side and saw tons and tons of motocycles flooding the highway. It was pretty awesome. Some special event..if anyone knows what that was about, fill me in.
Anys, the UU church is pretty cool and have a lot of nice people. Afterwards, Laura and I walked around ridgewood. We checked out the cool crafts fair on the main street (where the movie theatre/penis sanctuary/starbucks/etc is). She gave me the sweetest effin cd ever. It's all like tyedye too. it's amazing. Once i get the chance, i'm uploading it to my mini ^_^
Yeah, so laura and i talked a lot and i can definitely say that i love her (in a friend-way)
cause she rocks
and if anyone disagrees with that
they'll have to deal with my fist
cause..i'd shake my fist at them
oh and um
i'm also really happy cause ive got the wireless adapter setup on this laptop now. SO FUCK YES!!
haha =)
so yeah
is like a rollercoaster
ride it
YOU (the person reading this)
talk to me
cause that would be really great